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CMF MES Usability Dashboard

With the idea of delving into the behavior of CMF's MES users, we have created this dashboard with the data collected from the analytics and usability study. The dashboard can be seen below and is built with the help of Matomo and NextJS. We use the Matomo API to process events captured within MES and showcase what the default Matomo Dashboard cannot on our custom dashboard deployed here. Although this dashboard would need to be deployed alongside Matomo and its MySQL database, it is still deployed as a standalone to allow for a demo. You can use the "mock data" on visits, buttons, wizards and execution view pages by clicking the three circle stack icon on the top right, once the fetching of data has failed.



Running the project

  1. We have 3 services: Matomo, MySQL and NextJS and we should be able to run them with:
docker compose up -d --build
  1. The target website should be running in parallel to this, which, for this particular project, we expect it to be MES, whether it is locally or in a custom development environment. You should provide the information of the domain of the targetted website and the configuration of the Matomo Dashboard setup, which should be available at http://localhost:31089.

  2. After doing this, you should see a complaint about the trusted host setup on the Matomo Dashboard. To fix this, open a bash shell on the root of this project and run bash

  3. You may need to troubleshoot a few things in the setup:

  • You will probably need to replace the Matomo API Token once you set up the containers for the first time. Go to the Matomo Dashboard: click the gear icon, then personal, security. Scroll down to create auth token and copy it into your .env.
  • Remember to change the content of the matomoTrackerConfig variable in src/app/app.module.ts on the CoreHTML that is being used in CMF's MES. This should match the ports that we have chosen on this side.

Environment Variables


Here are all the possible environment variables for the Matomo instance:

  • MATOMO_DATABASE_HOST: The hostname of your MySQL service. In this case, it would be the name of your MySQL service in docker-compose.yml.
  • MATOMO_DATABASE_DBNAME: The name of your Matomo database.
  • MATOMO_DATABASE_USERNAME: The username for your Matomo database.
  • MATOMO_DATABASE_PASSWORD: The password for your Matomo database.
  • MATOMO_DATABASE_TABLES_PREFIX: The prefix for the Matomo database tables.
  • MATOMO_DATABASE_ADAPTER: The database adapter to use (PDO\MYSQL, MYSQLI).
  • MATOMO_DATABASE_CHARSET: The character set to use for the Matomo database.
  • MATOMO_TRUSTED_HOSTS: The list of trusted hosts.
  • MATOMO_PROXY_CLIENT_HEADERS: The list of client headers used by a proxy.
  • MATOMO_PROXY_HOST_HEADERS: The list of host headers used by a proxy.
  • MATOMO_SALT: Salt used to hash passwords, tokens, etc. Needs to be a long, random and secure string.
  • MATOMO_SESSION_SAVE_HANDLER: How sessions should be saved. "dbtable" by default.
  • MATOMO_SESSION_SAVE_PATH: If the session save handler is set to "files", this is the path where the files will be saved.
  • MATOMO_MAIL_TRANSPORT: The transport to use for sending mails ("smtp" or "sendmail" or "mail").
  • MATOMO_MAIL_HOST: If the mail transport is set to "smtp", this is the host of your SMTP server.
  • MATOMO_MAIL_PORT: If the mail transport is set to "smtp", this is the port of your SMTP server.
  • MATOMO_MAIL_USERNAME: If the mail transport is set to "smtp", this is the username of your SMTP server.
  • MATOMO_MAIL_PASSWORD: If the mail transport is set to "smtp", this is the password of your SMTP server.
  • MATOMO_MAIL_ENCRYPTION: If the mail transport is set to "smtp", this is the encryption to use (ssl, tls).
  • MATOMO_GENERAL_FORCE_SSL: If set to 1, Matomo will force the usage of SSL (https) for all connections.
  • MATOMO_GENERAL_FORCE_SSL_FOR_BACKEND: If set to 1, Matomo will force the usage of SSL (https) for all connections for backend users.


  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: This is the one which is mandatory and allows you to set the root password.
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: This variable will create the specified database on the MySQL server.
  • MYSQL_USER && MYSQL_PASSWORD: These variables are used in conjunction to create a new user, and to set that user's password.

Dashboard represented data and metrics

General metrics

This table contains the tasks and main points of the development for the part of the analytics that concern general metrics.

Metric Logic Viz Priority Description Type
Page Views 🟢 Plotted Chart of page views (x: day, y: page views) with period toggler Plotted Line Chart
Top Pages (URLs) 🟢 Frequency of each URL that has been visited Histogram
Browsers 🟢 Chart indicating what browser was being used on each page view Histogram or Pie Chart
Operating Systems 🟢 Chart indicating what operating system was being used on each page view Histogram or Pie Chart
Screen Sizes 🟢 Chart indicating what screen size was being used on each page view Histogram or Pie Chart
Pathways 🟡 Frequent sequence of page navigation Multiple Lines Diagram



This table contains the tasks and main points of the development for the part of the analytics that concern Wizards inside MES. Similar stats are also available for execution views.

Metric Logic Viz Priority Description Type
Conversion rate 🟢 Ratio of wizards submitted vs started Ratio
Top Wizards 🟢 Frequency of each title of opened wizards Histogram
Time spent on wizards 🟢 Total, average, max and min time spent per wizard Stat
Wizard scoring 🟢 Average score of wizard interaction (multiple heuristic methods) Score
Drill down on wizards 🟢 Inspect each wizard by type: check the events, score, time spent Web Component
Time spent on steps 🟢 Total, average, max and min time spent per step per wizard Stat
Mouse clicks 🔴 Mouse clicks heatmap Heatmap
Mouse movement 🔴 Mouse movement heatmap Heatmap


This table contains the tasks and main points of the development for the part of the analytics that concern general buttons inside MES.

Metric Logic Viz Priority Description Type
Top Buttons 🟢 Frequency of each title of clicked buttons Histogram
Top Buttons over time 🟡 Title of most clicked button in a time period Start
Clicks per day 🟡 Total clicks per day Stat


CMF Analytics and Usability metrics dashboard






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