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Corpus Building

This project processes EpiDoc TEI XML files and presents them as a static website.

It uses a monorepo structure with two main components: an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process for handling XML files, and a web application for presenting the processed data.

Project structure

The main components of the project are:

  • packages/
    • etl/: ETL package for processing XML
  • frontend/: Static site generator web application
  • data/
    • processed/: Output data generated by the etl package after processing the raw data
    • raw/: Git submodule for the EpiDoc files
  • xslt/
    • epidoc/: Git submodule for XSLT stylesheets
    • start-edition.sef.json: Compiled version of the XSLT to convert the XML files into HTML


graph TD
A[EpiDoc Submodule] --> B[ETL Process]
X[XSLT Submodule] --> B
B -->|Transform XML| C[Saxon-JS]
C -->|HTML Fragments| D[Processed HTML]
B -->|Extract Corpus Data| E[JSON Data]
D --> F[Static Site Generator]
E --> F
G[Markdown Files] -.-> F
F -->|Generate Pages| H[Static HTML]
H -.->|Index| I[Pagefind]
E -.->|Map Data| F
H -.-> J[Interactive Map]

Getting started

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Initialise and update the submodules

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Run the etl process

    npm run etl
  5. Run the development server

    npm run frontend:dev

The project should be available at http://localhost:5173/.