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Joachim Ansorg edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

Command name contains ==. For comparison, use [ "$var" = value ].

Problematic code:


Correct code:

[ "$a/$b" = "foo/bar" ] 


ShellCheck found a command name that contains a ==. Most likely, this was intended as a kind of comparison.

To compare two values, use [ value1 = value2 ]. Both the brackets and the spaces around the = are relevant.


None, though you can quote the == to suppress the warning.

Related resources:

  • Help by adding links to BashFAQ, StackOverflow, man pages, POSIX, etc!


Each individual ShellCheck warning has its own wiki page like SC1000. Use GitHub Wiki's "Pages" feature above to find a specific one, or see Checks.

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