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Exercise 1 HTML and CSS

Kobi Hari edited this page Jun 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

#Exercise 1 - HTML and CSS


In this exercise we will build the UI of a pop quiz application. You can see list of exams, see a question and select an answer. Add new question and answers. And see a summary of results and students


In this exercise we will practice the following skills

  • HTML Authoring
    • Headers
    • Links
    • Images
    • Tables
    • Lists
    • Forms
  • CSS Authoring
    • Selectors
    • Combinators
    • Psaudo Selectors
    • Basic properties (colors, fonts, backgrounds, borders, decorations)
    • Box model
    • Displays and layout

Step 1 - Exam page

  • Create a page with list of 3 questions and 4 possible answers under each question
  • Using CSS make sure that each question caption is in Segoe UI font, dark blue with light blue background and bottom blue border
  • Each possible answer should be without bullets, but with border with round conrers
  • Make sure each possible answer gets a darker background when hovering over it
  • Challange - make the cursor change into "hand" when the mouse is ober the option. Consult W3Schools to learn how
  • Decorate one of the options with a "selected" class and add specific style for selected options

Step 2 - Question Editor

  • Create a page for exam authors, so they can enter a new question
  • Add a text filed for the caption
  • Add 4 text fields, one for each possible answer
  • Add one numeric field to enter the index of the correct answer
  • Callange - make sure the numeric field is limited to values between 1 and 4
  • Add some styling to the form so that it has a special presentation for when one of the inputs gets focus

Step 3 - Scoreboard

  • Present a table with list of studens and their score
  • The table should have 3 columns: Name, Score and number of correct questions
  • The name column should present the name of the students, along with their profile picture in circle
  • The score column should be painted green for students with score over 90 and in red for scores below 60