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Commonly mispronounced programming words

This is a collection of commonly mispronounced words related to programming, development, tech, and IT. You can also check out my collection of mispronounced words. My personal collection is bigger and contains some additional materials and explanations on how to read transcriptions and improve pronunciation.


Word  Transcription    Video / Audio materials      Comment
access us /ˈæ
uk /ˈæ
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
acyclic us /ˌeɪˈsɪk.lɪk/ /ˌeɪˈsaɪ.klɪk/
uk /ˌeɪˈsɪk.lɪk/ /ˌeɪˈsaɪ.klɪk/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
admin us /ˈæd.mɪn/
uk /ˈæd.mɪn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
adobe us /əˈdoʊ.bi/
uk /əˈdəʊ.bi/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
agile us /ˈædʒ.aɪl/ /ˈædʒ.ᵊl/
uk /ˈædʒ.aɪl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "agile methodology"
- in the US /ˈædʒ.aɪl/ seems to be predominant
AI us /ˌeɪˈaɪ/
uk /ˌeɪˈaɪ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- an acronym for "Artificial Intelligence"
algorithm us /ˈæl.ɡə.rɪ.ðəm/
uk /ˈæl.ɡə.rɪ.ðəm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
alias us /ˈeɪ.li.əs/
uk /ˈeɪ.li.əs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
analysis us /əˈnæl.ə.sɪs/
uk /əˈnæl.ə.sɪs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "design analysis"
apprenticeship us /əˈpren.t̬ɪs.ʃɪp/
uk /əˈpren.tɪs.ʃɪp/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
architecture us /ˈɑːr.kə.tek.tʃɚ/
uk /ˈɑː.kɪ.tek.tʃəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
archive us /ˈɑːr.kaɪv/
uk /ˈɑː.kaɪv/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
aspect us /ˈæs.pekt/
uk /ˈæs.pekt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
asynchronous us /eɪˈsɪŋ.krə.nəs/
uk /eɪˈsɪŋ.krə.nəs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
attribute (noun) us /ˈæt.rɪ.bjuːt/
uk /ˈæt.rɪ.bjuːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
attribute (verb) us /əˈtrɪbjuːt/
uk /əˈtrɪbjuːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
authentication us /ɑːˌθen.t̬əˈkeɪ.ʃᵊn/
uk /ɔːˌθen.tɪˈkeɪ.ʃᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
authorization us /ˌɑː.θɚ.əˈzeɪ.ʃᵊn/
uk /ˌɔː.θər.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
automata us /ɑːˈtɑː.mə.t̬ə/
uk /ɔːˈtɒm.ə.tə/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "finite automata"
automation us /ˌɑː.t̬əˈmeɪ.ʃᵊn/
uk /ˌɔː.təˈmeɪ.ʃᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "automation engineer"
beta us /ˈbeɪ.t̬ə/
uk /ˈbiː.tə/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the UK pronunciation
binary us /ˈbaɪ.ner.i/
uk /ˈbaɪ.nər.i/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "binary data"
buffer us /ˈbʌf.ɚ/
uk /ˈbʌf.əʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
bug us /bʌɡ/
uk /bʌɡ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
bus us /bʌs/
uk /bʌs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "event bus"
cache us /kæʃ/
uk /kæʃ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
call us /kɑːl/
uk /kɔːl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the UK pronunciation
certificate us /sɚˈtɪf.ə.kət/
uk /səˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
chaos us /ˈkeɪ.ɑːs/
uk /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
character us /ˈker.ək.tɚ/
uk /ˈkær.ək.təʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
clause us /klɑːz/
uk /klɔːz/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "guard clause" (defensive programming)
closure us /ˈkloʊ.ʒɚ/
uk /ˈkləʊ.ʒəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
cloud us /klaʊd/
uk /klaʊd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "cloud computing"
code us /koʊd/
uk /kəʊd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
coder us /ˈkoʊ.dɚ/
uk /ˈkəʊ.dəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
cohesion us /koʊˈhiː.ʒᵊn/
uk /kəʊˈhiː.ʒᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
colleague us /ˈkɑː.liːɡ/
uk /ˈkɒl.iːɡ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
column us /ˈkɑː.ləm/
uk /ˈkɒl.əm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the silent n
command us /kəˈmænd/
uk /kəˈmɑːnd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
compiler us /kəmˈpaɪ.lɚ/
uk /kəmˈpaɪ.ləʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
component us /kəmˈpoʊ.nənt/
uk /kəmˈpəʊ.nənt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
compress (noun) us /ˈkɑːm.pres/
uk /ˈkɒm.pres/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
compress (verb) us /kəmˈpres/
uk /kəmˈpres/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
concept us /ˈkɑːn.sept/
uk /ˈkɒn.sept/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
concurrency us /kənˈkɝː.ᵊ
uk /kənˈkʌr.ᵊ
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the US pronunciation
conflict (noun) us /ˈkɑːn.flɪkt/
uk /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
conflict (verb) us /kənˈflɪkt/
uk /kənˈflɪkt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
constant us /ˈkɑːn.stᵊnt/
uk /ˈkɒn.stᵊnt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
contract (noun) us /ˈkɑːn.trækt/
uk /ˈkɒn.trækt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
contract (verb) us /kənˈtrækt/
uk /kənˈtrækt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
contribute us /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/
uk /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/ /ˈkɒn.trɪ.bjuːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
contributor us /kənˈtrɪb.jə.t̬ɚ/
uk /kənˈtrɪb.jə.təʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
coupling us /ˈkʌp.lɪŋ/
uk /ˈkʌp.lɪŋ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
current us /ˈkɝː.ᵊnt/
uk /ˈkʌr.ᵊnt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "current issue"
cycle us /ˈsaɪ.kᵊl/
uk /ˈsaɪ.kᵊl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
data us /ˈdeɪ.t̬ə/ /dæt̬.ə/
uk /ˈdeɪ.tə/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
data-driven us /ˈdeɪ.t̬əˌdrɪv.ᵊn/
uk /ˈdeɪ.təˌdrɪv.ᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "data-driven design"
debt us /det/
uk /det/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "technical debt"
- pay attention to the silent b
debug us /ˌdiːˈbʌɡ/
uk /ˌdiːˈbʌɡ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
debugger us /ˌdiːˈbʌɡɚ/
uk /ˌdiːˈbʌɡəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
decode us /diːˈkoʊd/
uk /diːˈkəʊd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
decrypt us /dɪˈkrɪpt/
uk /dɪˈkrɪpt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
default us /dɪˈfɑːlt/
uk /dɪˈfɒlt/ /ˈdiː.fɒlt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
delegate (noun) us /ˈdel.ə.ɡət/
uk /ˈdel.ɪ.ɡət/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
delegate (verb) us /ˈdel.ə.ɡeɪt/
uk /ˈdel.ɪ.ɡeɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
deploy us /dɪˈplɔɪ/
uk /dɪˈplɔɪ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
developer us /dɪˈvel.ə.pɚ/
uk /dɪˈvel.ə.pəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
development us /dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/
uk /dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
device us /dɪˈvaɪs/
uk /dɪˈvaɪs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
diagram us /ˈdaɪ.ə.ɡræm/
uk /ˈdaɪ.ə.ɡræm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
driven us /ˈdrɪv.ᵊn/
uk /ˈdrɪv.ᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- -driven is a suffix forming adjectives
duplicate (noun) us /ˈduː.plə.kət/
uk /ˈdjuː.plɪ.kət/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
duplicate (verb) us /ˈduː.plə.keɪt/
uk /ˈdjuː.plɪ.keɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
echo us /ˈek.oʊ/
uk /ˈek.əʊ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
effect us /əˈfekt/
uk /ɪˈfekt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
either us /ˈiː.ðɚ/ /ˈaɪ.ðɚ/
uk /ˈaɪ.ðəʳ/ /ˈiː.ðəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "either type"
email us /ˈiː.meɪl/
uk /ˈiː.meɪl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
encode us /ɪnˈkoʊd/
uk /ɪnˈkəʊd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
encrypt us /ɪnˈkrɪpt/
uk /ɪnˈkrɪpt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
epoch us /ˈep.ək/
uk /ˈiː.pɒk/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the UK pronunciation
estimate (noun) us /ˈes.tə.mət/
uk /ˈes.tɪ.mət/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
estimate (verb) us /ˈes.tə.meɪt/
uk /ˈes.tɪ.meɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
evangelist us /ɪˈvæn.dʒə.lɪst/
uk /ɪˈvæn.dʒə.lɪst/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "technology evangelist"
event us /ɪˈvent/
uk /ɪˈvent/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "event-driven architecture"
example us /ɪɡˈzæm.pᵊl/
uk /ɪɡˈzɑːm.pᵊl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
execute us /ˈek.sə.kjuːt/
uk /ˈek.sɪ.kjuːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
export (noun) us /ˈek.spɔːrt/
uk /ˈek.spɔːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
export (verb) us /ɪkˈspɔːrt/
uk /ɪkˈspɔːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
extreme us /ɪkˈstriːm/
uk /ɪkˈstriːm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "Extreme Programming"
facade us /fəˈsɑːd/
uk /fəˈsɑːd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
firmware us /ˈfɝːm.wer/
uk /ˈfɜːm.weəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
flowchart us /ˈfloʊ.tʃɑːrt/
uk /ˈfləʊ.tʃɑːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
function us /ˈfʌŋk.ʃᵊn/
uk /ˈfʌŋk.ʃᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
GIF us /ɡɪf/
uk /ɡɪf/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- apparently it is /dʒif/
- an acronym for Graphics Interchange Format
generate us /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪt/
uk /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
gist us /dʒɪst/
uk /dʒɪst/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "GitHub Gist"
git us /ɡɪt/
uk /ɡɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "github"
hackathon us /ˈhæk.ə.θɑːn/
uk /ˈhæk.ə.θɒn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the /θ/ sound
hardcode us /ˈhɑːrdkoʊd/
uk /ˈhɑːdkəʊd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
height us /haɪt/
uk /haɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
heuristic us /hjuːˈrɪs.tɪk/
uk /hjʊəˈrɪs.tɪk/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
hierarchy us /ˈhaɪ.rɑː
uk /ˈhaɪə.rɑː.ki/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
hybrid us /ˈhaɪ.brɪd/
uk /ˈhaɪ.brɪd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "hybrid work"
hyper- us /ˈhaɪ.pɚ/
uk /ˈhaɪ.pəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "hyperlink"
idempotent us /ˌaɪ.demˈpoʊ.t̬ᵊnt/
uk /ˌɪd.əmˈpəʊ.tᵊnt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the UK pronunciation
identify us /aɪˈden.t̬ə.faɪ/
uk /aɪˈden.tɪ.faɪ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the /aɪ/ diphthong
import (noun) us /ˈɪm.pɔːrt/
uk /ˈɪm.pɔːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
import (verb) us /ɪmˈpɔːrt/
uk /ɪmˈpɔːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
infrastructure us /ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃɚ/
uk /ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
injection us /ɪnˈdʒek.ʃᵊn/
uk /ɪnˈdʒek.ʃᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "dependency injection"
insert (noun) us /ˈɪn.sɝːt/
uk /ˈɪn.sɜːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
insert (verb) us /ɪnˈsɝːt/
uk /ɪnˈsɜːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
integer us /ˈɪn.tə.dʒɚ/
uk /ˈɪn.tɪ.dʒəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
invariant us /ɪnˈver.i.ənt/
uk /ɪnˈveə.ri.ənt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
invite (noun) us /ˈɪn.vaɪt/
uk /ˈɪn.vaɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
invite (verb) us /ɪnˈvaɪt/
uk /ɪnˈvaɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
invoke us /ɪnˈvoʊk/
uk /ɪnˈvəʊk/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
isolate us /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/
uk /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the /aɪ/ diphthong
item us /ˈaɪ.t̬əm/
uk /ˈaɪ.təm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the /aɪ/ diphthong
IT us /ˌaɪˈtiː/
uk /ˌaɪˈtiː/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- an acronym for "Information Technology"
jargon us /ˈdʒɑːr.ɡən/
uk /ˈdʒɑː.ɡən/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
kernel us /ˈkɝː.nəl/
uk /ˈkɜː.nəl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
key us /kiː/
uk /kiː/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
key-value us /kiː ˈvæl.juː/
uk /kiː ˈvæl.juː/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
knowledge us /ˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/
uk /ˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the silent k
lambda us /ˈlæm.də/
uk /ˈlæm.də/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the silent b
launch us /lɑːntʃ/
uk /lɔːntʃ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
latent us /ˈleɪ.tᵊnt/
uk /ˈleɪ.tᵊnt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "latent violation"
listen us /ˈlɪs.ən/
uk /ˈlɪs.ən/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the silent t
machine us /məˈʃiːn/
uk /məˈʃiːn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
-refers to "machine code"
- pay attention to the stress
maintain us /meɪnˈteɪn/
uk /meɪnˈteɪn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
maintenance us /ˈmeɪn.tᵊn.əns/
uk /ˈmeɪn.tᵊn.əns/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
major us /ˈmeɪ.dʒɚ/
uk /ˈmeɪ.dʒəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "major release"
media us /ˈmiː.di.ə/
uk /ˈmiː.di.ə/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "media file/library"
methodology us /ˌmeθ.əˈdɑː.lə.dʒi/
uk /ˌmeθ.əˈdɒl.ə.dʒi/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
microchip us /ˈmaɪ.kroʊ.tʃɪp/
uk /ˈmaɪ.krəʊ.tʃɪp/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
microprocessor us /ˌmaɪ.kroʊˈprɑː.ses.ɚ/
uk /ˌmaɪ.krəʊˈprəʊ.ses.əʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
migrate us /ˈmaɪ.ɡreɪt/
uk /maɪˈɡreɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the /aɪ/ diphthong
- pay attention to the stress
minor us /ˈmaɪ.nɚ/
uk /ˈmaɪ.nəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "minor release"
module us /ˈmɑː.dʒuːl/
uk /ˈmɒdʒ.uːl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
mud us /mʌd/
uk /mʌd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "big ball of mud"
multiple us /ˈmʌl.tə.pᵊl/
uk /ˈmʌl.tɪ.pᵊl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
multitasking us /ˌmʌl.tiˈtæs.kɪŋ/
uk /ˌmʌl.tiˈtɑːs.kɪŋ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
MySQL us /maɪ ˌeskjuːˈel/ /maɪ ˈsiːkwəl/
uk /maɪ ˌeskjuːˈel/ /maɪ ˈsiːkwəl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- the official way to pronounce is /maɪ ˌeskjuːˈel/
native us /ˈneɪ.t̬ɪv/
uk /ˈneɪ.tɪv/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "native code/interface"
nested us /ˈnes.t̬ɪd/
uk /ˈnes.tɪd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "nested loops"
- pay attention to the /id/ sound at the end
niche us /nɪtʃ/
uk /niːʃ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
novice us /ˈnɑː.vɪs/
uk /ˈnɒv.ɪs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
null us /nʌl/
uk /nʌl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "null pointer"
occur us /əˈkɝː/
uk /əˈkɜːʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
object (noun) us /ˈɑːb.dʒekt/ /ˈɑːb.dʒɪkt/
uk /ˈɒb.dʒekt/ /ˈɒb.dʒɪkt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
object (verb) us /əbˈdʒekt/
uk /əbˈdʒekt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
open-source us /ˌoʊ.pənˈsɔːrs/
uk /ˌəʊ.pənˈsɔːs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
operators us /ˈɑː.pə.reɪ.t̬ɚz/
uk /ˈɒp.ər.eɪ.təʳz/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
us /ˈɔːr.i.en.t̬ɪd/
uk /ˈɔː.ri.en.tɪd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- -oriented is a suffix forming adjectives
orthogonality us /ɔːˌθɑː.ɡə.nˈæl.ə.t̬i/
uk /ɔːˌθɒɡ.ən.ˈæl.ə.ti/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
pagination us /ˌpædʒ.ᵊnˈeɪ.ʃᵊn/
uk /ˌpædʒ.ɪˈneɪ.ʃᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
paradigm us /ˈper.ə.daɪm/
uk /ˈpær.ə.daɪm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "programming paradigm"
patent us /ˈpæt.ᵊnt/
uk /ˈpeɪ.tᵊnt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
pause us /pɑːz/
uk /pɔːz/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
permit (noun) us /ˈpɝː.mɪt/
uk /ˈpɜː.mɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
permit (verb) us /pɚˈmɪt/
uk /pəˈmɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
pivot us /ˈpɪv.ət/
uk /ˈpɪv.ət/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "pivot table"
plug-in (also plugin) us /ˈplʌɡ.ɪn/
uk /ˈplʌɡ.ɪn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- the formal spelling is "plug-in"
predefined us /ˌpriː.dɪˈfaɪnd/
uk /ˌpriː.dɪˈfaɪnd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "predefined function"
priority us /praɪˈɔːr.ə.t̬i/
uk /praɪˈɒr.ə.ti/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
process us /ˈprɑː.ses/
uk /ˈprəʊ.ses/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
product us /ˈprɑː.dʌkt/
uk /ˈprɒd.ʌkt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "product manager"
programming us /ˈproʊ.ɡræm.ɪŋ/
uk /ˈprəʊ.ɡræm.ɪŋ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
progress (noun) us /ˈprɑː.ɡres/
uk /ˈprəʊ.ɡres/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
progress (verb) us /prəˈɡres/
uk /prəˈɡres/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
project (noun) us /ˈprɑː.dʒekt/
uk /ˈprɒdʒ.ekt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
project (verb) us /prəˈdʒekt/
uk /prəˈdʒekt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
provide us /prəˈvaɪd/
uk /prəˈvaɪd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
pseudocode us /suː.doʊ.koʊd/
uk /sjuː.dəʊ.kəʊd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
queue us /kjuː/
uk /kjuː/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
recent us /ˈriː.sənt/
uk /ˈriː.sənt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "recent update"
record (noun) us /ˈrek.ɚd/
uk /ˈrek.ɔːd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
record (verb) us /rɪˈkɔːrd/
uk /rɪˈkɔːd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
recursion us /rɪˈkɝː.ʒən/
uk /rɪˈkɜː.ʒən/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention that recursive is pronounced differently
reduce us /rɪˈduːs/
uk /rɪˈdjuːs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
refactor us /ˌrɪˈfækt̬ɚ/
uk /ˌriːˈfæktəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
request us /rɪˈkwest/
uk /rɪˈkwest/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
respond us /rɪˈspɑːnd/
uk /rɪˈspɒnd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
result us /rɪˈzʌlt/
uk /rɪˈzʌlt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
resume (also résumé) us /ˈrez.ə.meɪ/
uk /ˈrez.juː.meɪ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
resume (verb) us /rɪˈzuːm/
uk /rɪˈzjuːm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
reuse (noun) us /ˌriːˈjuːs/
uk /ˌriːˈjuːs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
reuse (verb) us /ˌriːˈjuːz/
uk /ˌriːˈjuːz/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
review us /rɪˈvjuː/
uk /rɪˈvjuː/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "code review"
- pay attention to the stress
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
route us /raʊt/ /ruːt/
uk /ruːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- in the US /raʊt/ seems to be predominant
scalable us /ˈskeɪ.lə.bᵊl/
uk /ˈskeɪ.lə.bᵊl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
schedule us /ˈskedʒ.uːl/
uk /ˈʃedʒ.uːl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
schema us /ˈskiː.mə/
uk /ˈskiː.mə/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "database schema"
scheme us /skiːm/
uk /skiːm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- noun and verb forms have the same pronunciation
scope us /skoʊp/
uk /skəʊp/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
scrum us /skrʌm/
uk /skrʌm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
short-circuit us /ˌʃɔːrt ˈsɝː.kɪt/
uk /ˌʃɔːt ˈsɜː.kɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "short-circuit evaluation"
signature us /ˈsɪɡ.nə.tʃɚ/
uk /ˈsɪɡ.nə.tʃəʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "method signature"
source us /sɔːrs/
uk /sɔːs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "open-source"
spaghetti code us /spəˈɡet̬.i ˌkoʊd/
uk /spəˈɡet.i ˌkəʊd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
SQL us /ˈsiːkwəl/ /ˌeskjuːˈel/
uk /ˈsiːkwəl/ /ˌeskjuːˈel/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
status us /ˈsteɪ.t̬əs/
uk /ˈsteɪ.təs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
submit us /səbˈmɪt/
uk /səbˈmɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
suite us /swiːt/
uk /swiːt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "Adobe suite"
synchronous us /ˈsɪŋ.krə.nəs/
uk /ˈsɪŋ.krə.nəs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
syntactic sugar us /sɪnˈtæk.tɪk ˌʃʊɡ.ɚ/
uk /sɪnˈtæk.tɪk ˌʃʊɡ.əʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
talk us /tɑːk/
uk /tɔːk/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the silent l
tech us /tek/
uk /tek/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
technical debt us /ˈtek.nɪ.kᵊl det/
uk /ˈtek.nɪ.kᵊl det/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
technique us /tekˈniːk/
uk /tekˈniːk/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
technology us /tekˈnɑː.lə.dʒi/
uk /tekˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "IT"
telemetry us /təˈlem.ə.tri/
uk /təˈlem.ə.tri/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the stress
template us /ˈtem.plət/
uk /ˈtem.pleɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
thesis us /ˈθiː.sɪs/
uk /ˈθiː.sɪs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
thread us /θred/
uk /θred/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
thumb us /θʌm/
uk /θʌm/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "rule of thumb"
- pay attention to the silent b
token us /ˈtoʊ.kᵊn/
uk /ˈtəʊ.kᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
tuple us /ˈtuːpᵊl/ /ˈtʌpᵊl/
uk /ˈtjuːpᵊl/ /ˈtʌpᵊl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
ultimate us /ˈʌl.tə.mət/
uk /ˈʌl.tɪ.mət/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "ultimate update"
undo us /ʌnˈduː/
uk /ʌnˈduː/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
update (noun) us /ˈʌp.deɪt/
uk /ˈʌp.deɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
update (verb) us /ʌpˈdeɪt/
uk /ʌpˈdeɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
upgrade (noun) us /ˈʌp.ɡreɪd/
uk /ˈʌp.ɡreɪd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
upgrade (verb) us /ʌpˈɡreɪd/
uk /ʌpˈɡreɪd/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
use (noun) us /juːs/
uk /juːs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
use (verb) us /juːz/
uk /juːz/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- be careful of the difference in pronunciation between noun and verb forms
version us /ˈvɝː.ʒᵊn/ /ˈvɝː.ʃᵊn/
uk /ˈvɜː.ʃᵊn/ /ˈvɜː.ʒᵊn/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "version control"
- in the US /ˈvɝː.ʒᵊn/ seems to be predominant
virus us /ˈvaɪ.rəs/
uk /ˈvaɪə.rəs/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
vulnerability us /ˌvʌl.nɚ.əˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/
uk /ˌvʌl.nᵊr.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ /ˌvʌn.rəˈbɪl.ə.ti/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
vulnerable us /ˈvʌl.nɚ.ə.bᵊl/
uk /ˈvʌl.nᵊr.ə.bᵊl/ /ˈvʌn.rə.bᵊl/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
WiFi us /ˈwaɪ.faɪ/
uk /ˈwaɪ.faɪ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
wrapper us /ˈræp.ɚ/
uk /ˈræp.əʳ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the silent w
- refers to "wrapper class"
write us /raɪt/
uk /raɪt/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- pay attention to the silent w
- refers to "write code"
WYSIWYG us /ˈwɪz.i.wɪɡ/
uk /ˈwɪz.i.wɪɡ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get"
Xerox us /ˈzɪr.ɑːks/
uk /ˈzɪə.rɒks/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
zero us /ˈzɪr.oʊ/
uk /ˈzɪə.rəʊ/
📺YouGlish   📘Cambridge
📘Oxford   📘Longman
- refers to "zero-based"

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