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234 lines (165 loc) · 8.65 KB


We warmly welcome contributions in the form of bug reports, feature requests, and PRs.

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Please use GitHub issues to report bugs and request features. Please check to see if there is already an issue for the bug or feature you are reporting/requesting. If there is, please add a comment to the existing issue rather than creating a new one.

Someone from the team will review your issue and respond to it. If you have any questions, please ask them in the issue comments.

Pull Requests

We actively welcome your pull requests; we will work with you to get changes in.

Before you begin, please open an issue describing the problem that you are solving, or the feature that you are adding. This will help us to understand your proposed change and to provide feedback on it before you invest a lot of time in it. It will also help us to avoid duplication of effort. Also, please join our Discord to discuss your ideas with us.

Here's the overall process for contributing:

  1. Create an Issue on GitHub
  2. Maybe disucss your idea with us on Discord
  3. All Feature Requests will be tagged with either green-light or red-light to indicate whether we are likely to accept related PRs. Any PRs submitted for red-light issues will be closed. Issues must have a green-light tag before a PR will be accepted.
  4. Some issues and feature requests are taged with help wanted or good first issue - these are issues that we would like to see PRs for, and we will work with you to get your PR accepted. If you are new to the project, the good first issue tag indicates good issues to start with. If you are interested in working on one of the help wanted issues, please comment on the issue to let us know you are working on it and we will assign it to you. Issues will be automatically unassigned if there is no activity on them for 15 days.

If you are new to open source, or new to contributing to open source, we will be happy to help you get started. Please join our Discord and let us know you are new to open source.

Getting Started

1. Fork the repo on GitHub

2. Clone the fork on your local machine

git clone git://<your-name>/editor.git && cd editor

3. Create your feature branch

From the main (default) branch:

git checkout -b <your-name>/my-new-feature

4. Start the development environment

npm install
npm run start

When you run the start command, a browser window will open showing the contents of the test.html page.

This will allow you to test your changes on the test page using a source-mapped esm that updates automatically as you change project files.

5. Make your changes

When you're ready to commit your changes, stage the files you have changed:

git add <my-new-feature-file>

See what files you have changed:

git status

6. Commit your changes

git commit -s

There are three things to note here

Sign-offs Required

First, you need to "sign-off" your commit. This indicates that you agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin. To do this, add the -s flag to your commit command. If you forget to do this, your PR will not be able to be merged.

Verified Commits Only

Second, your commits must be verified through signature verification. To do this, you must have a GPG key associated with your GitHub account and configured properly for git. If you have not done so already, you can follow the instructions in the GitHub Commit Signature Verification Guide.

Don't forget to include this in your shell profile:

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Linting and Formatting

Your changes will be linted and formatted automatically when you commit. If you bypass the commit hook, your PR will not be able to be merged.

If you want to run checks manually prior to comitting, you can do so with:

npm run lint

You may have to fix any errors that occur. In which case, repeat steps 5 and 6 until the lint succeeds.

Commit Messages

We use Conventional Commits for our commit messages. This allows us to automatically generate a changelog from our commit history.

If you are new to Conventional Commits, please read the Conventional Commits specification

If you are using VSCode, you can install the Conventional Commits extension If you are using a different editor, please install the appropriate Conventional Commits plugin for your editor.

If you fail to follow the Conventional Commits specification, a commit hook will fail and you will not be able to commit your changes until you fix the commit message.

5 Steps to Write Better Commit Messages

Capitalization and Punctuation: Conventional Commits requires all lowercase.

Type of Commit: Specify the type of commit. You must specify the type of commit you are making. Example – feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, test, chore, etc. As in: "feat: add dark mode toggle".

Mood: Use imperative mood in the subject line. Example – Add fix for dark mode toggle state. Imperative mood gives the tone you are giving an order or request.

Length: The first line should ideally be no longer than 50 characters, and the body should be restricted to 72 characters. Content: Be direct, try to eliminate filler words and phrases in these sentences (examples: though, maybe, I think, kind of).

Think like a journalist. Who, what, when, where, why, and how.

7. Push your changes to a new branch on your fork on GitHub

git push origin <your-name>/my-new-feature

8. Create a Pull Request on GitHub

A member of the team will review your PR and work with you to get it accepted. It will automatically be assigned to a reviewer. If you have any questions, please ask them in the PR comments.

Code Style

We use Prettier to format our code. It will be run on-save in VSCode if you have the Prettier extension installed. If you are using a different editor, please install the appropriate Prettier plugin for your editor.

We use ESLint to lint our code.

Both Prettier and ESLint will be run automatically when you commit your changes. If there are any errors, you will have to fix them before you can commit.

Lint your Code:

npm run lint

Fix Lintter Errors in your Code:

npm run lint:fix

Code of Conduct

We have adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text.

Developer Certificate of Origin

We use the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) as an additional safeguard for the Kullna Editor project. This is a well-established and widely-used mechanism for managing contributions to open source projects. It is used by many other projects, including the Linux Kernel, Git, and Node.js.

The DCO is a legally binding statement that asserts that you are the creator of your contribution, or that you otherwise have the authority to submit it under the terms of the DCO. This is important because it means that you are certifying that you have the right to submit your contribution under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and that you are agreeing to license your contribution under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

When you submit a pull request, a DCO bot will automatically check whether you have signed off your commit. If you have not signed off your commit, the DCO bot will add a comment to your PR asking you to sign off your commit.

To sign off your commit, you simply add a line to your commit message that says Signed-off-by: <your-name> <your-email-address>. For example:

Signed-off-by: Jane Doe <[email protected]>

The Kullna Editor source, artifacts, and website content are Copyright (c) 2023 The Kullna Programming Language Project.

They are free to use and open-source under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.