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kvaellning edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 3 revisions

This is the wiki of language-scilab, a fork of Jeremey Heleines language-scilab package.

If you are searching about additional information for multiline support see "about multiline support".�

Future plans

This package will be stripped down a little bit in future. I plan to implement a package which integrates more functionality, to keep this as a grammar as plain as possible.

The follow up package will aim to:

  • get the "Where-am-I"-support (will be removed here)
  • an autocomplete-plus provider (if I find the time to automatically crunch through the help-jars)
  • "Send to Scilab"-command to send a line / function / file to Scilab and automatically resolve it. I think this will involve the package terminal-plus in some kind a way (and Scilab CLI, of course)
  • Integration of the Scilab-online help (click on a Scilab function and open a browser window with the documentation)
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