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githubactions CodeQL SecretsScan

This repo creates a Slack Commands App/bot that responds to a command (i.e. /find) and sends the response to the same channel.

If you want to use Slack Chat that responds to messages when the app is mentioned (i.e. @<app-name>) and sends the response to the corresponding thread, see another repo kyhau/slack-chat-app-cdk.

This SlackApp can handle requests triggered from a Slash Command which will take longer than 3 seconds to process, and posts the details back to the user.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in CHANGELOG.


This repo provides the source code for building

  1. A Slack Command App/Bot with AWS API Gateway and Lambda Functions, deploying with CDK v2 and testing wth SAM CLI (sam-beta-cdk).

  2. An OAuth 2.0 authorization flow service for sharing the Slack App with other Workspaces without registering in the public Slack App Directory. For details see "Apps distributed to multiple workspaces" in Distributing Slack apps. This stack includes an AWS API Gateway, a Lambda Function, and a DynamoDB table, with AWS WAF (optional).

Slack App Architecture


  1. An API Gateway to provide an endpoint to be invoked from a Slack Command.
  2. A Lambda Function lambda/ to perform authentication, some basic checks and send an intermediate response to Slack within 3 seconds (Slack requirement). This function invokes another Lambda function to to the request tasks (synchronously invocation for quick task; asynchronous invocation for long tasks).
  3. A Lambda Function lambda/ to perform actual operation that may take more than 3 seconds to finish.
  4. A Lambda Function lambda/ to perform actual operation that takes less than 3 seconds to finish.
  5. CloudWatch Loggroup for API Gateway and Lambda Functions.

OAuth 2.0 API Architecture


  1. An API Gateway to provide an endpoint as the Sharable URL in Slack.
  2. A Lambda Function lambda/ to perform OAuth 2.0 flow and turn the auth code into access token then store it in a DynamoDB table.
  3. A DynamoDB table for storing the oauth tokens of all app installations.
  4. CloudWatch Loggroup for API Gateway and Lambda Functions.


Setup on Slack

To create a Slack Command in Slack (the default command in this repo is /testcdk)

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select Create New App and select Slash Commands.
  3. Enter the name /testcdk for the command and click Add Slash Command Integration.
  4. Enter the provided API endpoint URL in the URL field.
  5. Copy the Verification Token from Basic Information.

Setup secrets

Review and update app settings

Deployment (without using GitHub Actions/Workflows)


  1. Install CDK v2: npm install -g aws-cdk@next
  2. Install Python 3.8 or above.
  3. Update env_dev.json with you AWS account number and region that the Slack App is being deployed to.
  4. Update settings_dev.json to include the Slack domains, team IDs and channel IDs that the Slack App serves.
# Create and activate virtual env (optional)

# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# First time
cdk bootstrap
# Or
cdk ls

cdk synth

# Deploy the stack
cdk deploy K-CDK-SlackCommandApp

# Clean up
rm -rf cdk.out package */__pycache__ */*.egg-info */out.json

Try it on Slack

E.g. if command is /testcdk, then

  1. Run /testcdk async
  2. Run /testcdk sync

Protecting the API Gateways with AWS WAF

  1. Add AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup to protect the Slack App API Gateway by specifying rules such as
    1. ByteMatchStatement: SearchString: Slackbot 1.0 (+
    2. ByteMatchStatement: SearchString: team_id=TODO-slack-team-id
    3. ByteMatchStatement: SearchString: team_domain=TODO-slack-domain

To Share the Slack App with other Slack Workspaces

In order to share a Slack App with other Slack Workspaces without registering in the public Slack App Directory, you will need to deploy also the following stack of the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow service.

For details see "Apps distributed to multiple workspaces" in Distributing Slack apps.

For details of Slack OAuth 2.0 v2 see

lambda/ also performs further authorization check with app_id, team_id and channel_id.

Deployment (without using GitHub Actions/Workflows)

  1. You will need to deploy also the following stack, which will create another service for for performing the OAuth 2.0 flow and turn the auth code into access token then store the details in a AWS DynamoDB table.

    cdk deploy K-CDK-SlackCommandAppSharing
  2. Go to, select your app, then

    1. Go to Settings | OAuth & Permissions | Redirect URLs, add the API Gateway URL of the K-CDK-SlackCommandAppSharing stack. For example:
    2. Go to Settings | Manage Distribution | Activate Public Distribution

Steps to Install

From Slack App Owner

  1. Ask the potential user to provide

    1. team_id (aka. Workspace ID)
    2. channel_id
  2. Add to settings_dev.json

  3. Deploy the stacks again.

  4. Provide the users the Sharable URL. You can obtain this by going to Settings | Manage Distribution | Sharable URL.

From Slack App User

  1. Log in to your Slack Workspace in a browser.

  2. Open the Sharable URL in the browser. You will be asked to allow the access "Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use".

    1. Select the channel where the Slack App will be installed.
    2. Click Allow.


  3. On success of authenticating your request with the app_id, team_id and channel_id, you should see

    Installation request accepted and registration completed. SlackAppInstall-02

  4. Then in the channel you specified in previous step, you should see

    added an integration to this channel: (you-app-name)

    You should be able to see this Slack App under App as well.

  5. You can try


Note that your Slack Workspace may have additional restriction and require Approval from Admin on installing new Slack App. In this case, you need to talk to your Slack Workspace Admin.

Local Development, Build, Test and Deploy

Run unit tests and flake8 lint tests

python lambda/
python lambda/
python lambda/
python lambda/

flake8 --ignore E501,F541,W605 lambda/ slack_app_constructs_cdk/ scripts/*.py

Test Lambda function locally with AWS SAM CLI and AWS CDK


  1. Install sam-beta-cdk
  2. Start Docker
# Prepare the deployment artifacts
sam-beta-cdk build

sam-beta-cdk local invoke K-CDK-SlackCommandApp/K-CDK-SlackCommandApp-ImmediateResponse -e tests/event_async.json
sam-beta-cdk local invoke K-CDK-SlackCommandApp/K-CDK-SlackCommandApp-ImmediateResponse -e tests/event_sync.json

# To start the API declared in the AWS CDK application
sam-beta-cdk local start-api

# To start a local endpoint that emulates AWS Lambda
sam-beta-cdk local start-lambda

For details of sam-beta-cdk, see

Notes on known sam-beta-cdk issues

  1. KeyError when running sam-beta-cdk ...
    KeyError: '/home/.../lambda'
    Failed to execute script __main__
    • Known bug: aws/aws-sam-cli#2849
    • Workaround:
      • Add "@aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis": false into cdk.json
      • Add an empty requirements.txt to lambda/.