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Getting Started

1. What is this?
This is a proof of concept feed system implemented in two days using Golang. 
It includes a server that talks RESTful, and a python client, plus a bunch of shell scripts to help running the clients.
And it's based on clients pulling. It does NOT push to clients.

2. How to compile?
Set GOPATH to a folder you like
Then go to $GOPATH/src/
Create folder gorilla/
git clone
git clone


Go to FeedServer folder, run "go build"

3. How to start the server?
After build, run "./FeedServer", by default it'll listen on http://localhost:8035

4. How to run the clients?
check and for details
But here are some examples:
	## To see all available feeds
	## To subscribe user 31 to feed 35
	./ 31 35
	## To unsubscribe user 2 from feed 35
	./ 2 35
	## To pull live feeds of user 25. It'll print all article ids that are in the feeds user 25 subscribed
	./ 25
	## Add 10 articles to feed27, the articles id would be article27-0 to article27-9
	./ 27
	## To tell server to save its state to file

1. What does the server have?
    * Everything(user, feed, article) is an id, to reduce the overhead of data accessing and network communication. This would also work once introduces bigger items(pictures, videos etc.)  to system. 
	* It's concurrent, in term of serving web requests. Each received request is served by a go routine.
	* It deals with users, feeds and articles
			Clients can subscribe/unsubscribe to/from a feed
			Clients can see all available feeds
			Clients can pull all articles in his/her feeds
			Articles can be added to a feed
	* Its state are all in memory, not relying on file or database.
	* Data accessing is thread safe. Implemented using GO's channels. 
			One thread is responsible for reading/writing user data
			Another thread is responsible for reading/writing feed data
			All other threads send their data requests to the above 2 threads through channels
	* It's capable of serializing/deserializing to/from a txt file (JSON format)
	* Serializing is on demand (through
	* Deserializing is automatic on start if the file is found
	* No live tcp connections are kept by the server

2. What does the server NOT have?
	* id validation (right now it depends on human to not input invalid ids)
	* User register/login. (A new user is created when he/she tries to subscribe to a feed)
	* Feed creation. (A new feed is created when first article is being added to it)
	* Pull articles by timestamp
	* Delete article from feed
	* DB access

Potential improvements to scale
1. Save/load state from a DB cluster
	* For performance, the state should still be in memory when server is running. So the server should acts like a write through memcache. And let all state updates reach DB cluster concurrently.
	* Loading state from DB cluster makes the server possible to be sharded and run in cluster mode.
2. Timestamp based id generation
	* So client only have to send a timestamp, then server would know what articles need to be sent to this client
3. Better data access model for higher performance concurrency
	* Right now 1 thread is dealing with 1 map of all_users, and a 2nd thread is dealing with the map of all_feeds
	* It's safe but overkill. We should implement a better data structure so that only threads that are accessing same user/feed are mutual exclusive
			e.g.    subscibe user 3 to feed 5   NO CONFLICT WITH 	subscribe user 20 to feed 11
					subscibe user 3 to feed 5   MUTUAL EXCLUSIVE WITH 	subscribe user 3 to feed 11
	* A consistent data structure needs to be used so a user/feed is saved at a fixed location regardless of write ops to other users/feeds
	* Maps might be rehashing from time to time while its size increases/decreases
4. Use reader writer locks so that user concurrency can happen


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