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Fetch the latest OBR forecasts


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The goal of obrr is to make it easy to retrieve time series of the latest OBR forecasts.


You can install the package from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The following will retrieve a time series of CPI and RPI inflation, including projections from the OBR.


# Wide
obr_annual(c("CPI", "RPI"), long = FALSE)
#>    year Forecast         CPI        RPI
#> 1  2009  outturn  2.16532045 -0.5314403
#> 2  2010  outturn  3.29817158  4.6213244
#> 3  2011  outturn  4.46369329  5.1999851
#> 4  2012  outturn  2.82824210  3.2067182
#> 5  2013  outturn  2.56479882  3.0418512
#> 6  2014  outturn  1.46103141  2.3689734
#> 7  2015  outturn  0.04009937  0.9796901
#> 8  2016  outturn  0.65966612  1.7437550
#> 9  2017  outturn  2.68313137  3.5829689
#> 10 2018  outturn  2.47805619  3.3428144
#> 11 2019  outturn  1.79102059  2.5628885
#> 12 2020  outturn  0.85065403  1.5033471
#> 13 2021  outturn  2.58822195  4.0452569
#> 14 2022 forecast  9.14944682 11.6369034
#> 15 2023 forecast  7.35583082 10.7106159
#> 16 2024 forecast  0.62762745  1.4955780
#> 17 2025 forecast -0.77520658 -0.3531997
#> 18 2026 forecast  0.17288174  0.9697391
#> 19 2027 forecast  1.71588852  2.5721322

# Long
obr_annual(c("CPI", "RPI"), long = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 38 x 4
#>     year Forecast Indicator  Value
#>    <dbl> <fct>    <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1  2009 outturn  CPI        2.17 
#>  2  2009 outturn  RPI       -0.531
#>  3  2010 outturn  CPI        3.30 
#>  4  2010 outturn  RPI        4.62 
#>  5  2011 outturn  CPI        4.46 
#>  6  2011 outturn  RPI        5.20 
#>  7  2012 outturn  CPI        2.83 
#>  8  2012 outturn  RPI        3.21 
#>  9  2013 outturn  CPI        2.56 
#> 10  2013 outturn  RPI        3.04 
#> # ... with 28 more rows

Which time series indicators are available?

You can use obr_meta() to display available time series - id, title and units.

id name units
£PSNB Public sector net borrowing £ billion
PSNB Public sector net borrowing per cent of GDP
£PSCR Public sector current receipts £ billion
PSCR Public sector current receipts per cent of GDP
£TME Total managed expenditure £ billion
TME Total managed expenditure per cent of GDP
CACB Cyclically-adjusted current budget deficit per cent of GDP
CAPSNB Cyclically-adjusted public sector net borrowing per cent of GDP
PSND Public sector net debt per cent of GDP
PSNI Public sector net investment Per cent of GDP
£CB Current budget deficit £ billion
CB Current budget deficit Per cent of GDP
IT Income tax £ billion
SA IT Self assessed income tax £ billion
PAYE IT Pay as you earn (PAYE) income tax £ billion
NICS National insurance contributions (NICs) £ billion
HSC National insurance contributions (NICs) £ billion
VAT Value added tax (VAT) £ billion
Alcohol Alcohol duties £ billion
Onshore Onshore corporation tax £ billion
Oilandgas UK oil and gas revenues £ billion
Fuel Fuel duties £ billion
Business Business rates receipts £ billion
CGT Capital gains tax £ billion
IHT Inheritance tax £ billion
PTT Property transaction taxes £ billion
Shares Stamp taxes on shares £ billion
Tobacco Tobacco duties £ billion
Spirits Spirits duties £ billion
Wine Wine duties £ billion
Beercider Beer and cider duties £ billion
VED Vehicle excise duties £ billion
VATrefunds VAT refunds £ billion
Council Council tax £ billion
APD Air passenger duty £ billion
Debtint Central government gross debt interest £ billion
IPT Insurance premium tax £ billion
CCL Climate change levy £ billion
Bank Bank levy £ billion
Licence Licence fee receipts £ billion
ETS Emission trading scheme auction receipts £ billion
Scotland Scottish taxes £ billion
RDEL PSCE in RDEL £ billion
CDEL PSGI in CDEL £ billion
Total welfare Welfare spending £ billion
Welfare in Welfare spending: inside welfare cap £ billion
Welfare out Welfare spending: outside welfare cap £ billion
LASFEcurr Locally financed current expenditure £ billion
LASFEcap Locally financed capital expenditure £ billion
PSDebtint Public sector debt interest £ billion
APF Reductions of debt interest due to APF £ billion
Netdebtint Central government debt interest (net of APF) £ billion
PCDebtint Public corporations’ debt interest £ billion
EU Expenditure transfers to EU institutions £ billion
Pensions Net public service pension payments £ billion
PCcapex Public corporations’ capital expenditure £ billion
NRcur Network Rail current expenditure £ billion
NRcap Network Rail capital expenditure £ billion
Ctaxcreds Company tax credits £ billion
BBCcur BBC current expenditure £ billion
Lotterycur National lottery current grants £ billion
Lotterycap National lottery capital grants £ billion
Studentloans Student loans expenditure £ billion
Fundedpensions Funded public sector pension schemes £ billion
GGIpensions General government imputed pensions £ billion
Taxlit Tax litigation £ billion
GGdepreciation General government depreciation £ billion
R&D Research and development expenditure £ billion
SUME Single use military expenditure £ billion
NGDP Nominal GDP £ billion
UKGDP Real GDP growth per cent
Outputgap Output gap Per cent of potential output
Demand Domestic demand Percentage change on a year earlier
HHconsumption Household consumption Percentage change on a year earlier
Govconsumption Government consumption Percentage change on a year earlier
Fixedinv Total fixed investment Percentage change on a year earlier
Businessinv Business investment Percentage change on a year earlier
Govtinv General government investment Percentage change on a year earlier
Privatedwellingsinv Private dwellings investment Percentage change on a year earlier
Inventories Change in inventories Percentage change on a year earlier
Exports Exports of goods and services Percentage change on a year earlier
Imports Imports of goods and services Percentage change on a year earlier
Currentacc£ Current account £ billion
Currentacc%GDP Current account Per cent of GDP
CPI CPI Percentage change on a year earlier
RPI RPI Percentage change on a year earlier
Deflator GDP deflator at market prices Percentage change on a year earlier
Empl Employment Millions
Prod Productivity per hour Percentage change on a year earlier
Wages&Salaries Wages and salaries Percentage change on a year earlier
Earnings Average earnings Percentage change on a year earlier
Unemplrate ILO unemployment rate Percentage rate
RHHDI Real household disposable income Percentage change on a year earlier
Savingratio Saving ratio Level, per cent
Houseprices House prices Percentage change on a year earlier
HHnetworthtoincome Household net worth to income ratio Per cent
WorldGDP World GDP at purchasing power parity Percentage change on a year earlier
Worldtrade World trade in goods and services Percentage change on a year earlier
EuroGDP Euro area GDP Percentage change on a year earlier
UKexportmarkets UK export markets Percentage change on a year earlier
Non-oilPNFCprofits Non-oil private non-financial corporation profits Percentage change on a year earlier
Oilprices($) Oil prices $ per barrel
Oilprices(£) Oil prices £ per barrel
Gas Prices Gas prices £/therm
Equityprices Equity prices FTSE All-Share Index
Shorttermrates Market short-term interest rates Percentage rate
Gilts Market gilt rates Percentage rate
£€rate Euro/Sterling exchange rate €/£
CC Claimant count Millions


Fetch the latest OBR forecasts




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