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Alexander Matthias Jacobson edited this page Feb 19, 2019 · 22 revisions


Welcome to the tutorial on using Honeybee to create a single-zone energy model. This tutorial assumes a working knowledge of Rhino, and some knowledge of Grasshopper. If you are totally new to Grasshopper, start at Intro II - Grasshopper Interface which provides some important background knowledge for this guide.

We will be making a model of a single family house in Van Nuys California, pictured below. There is a download link below for the example file below as well.

Download the example file for a Single Zone Model on Hydra


Tutorial Contents

Step 0 - Modeling Zone Geometry

Step 1 - Assign Properties to Zones

Step 2 - Simulation Setup

Step 3 - Run the model

Step 4 - Visualize the results

Step 5 - Iterating to improve design

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