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Lalit Kumar edited this page Dec 16, 2013 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the webdriver-java-tests wiki!

Software needed to run/modify tests on your local machine[ should be installed first ]:

  • Java Development Kit 7
  • Java Runtime Environment 7
  • Maven
  • IDE [ I prefer IntelliJ IDEA :) ]

Project Dependencies [ Don't worry, these will be auto downloaded by maven and need no work from your side ]

  • Selenium Webdriver java dependency
  • TestNG
  • Maven Plugins - Surefire
  • Google Guava

Running the tests on your machine

  • Clone the repository from git bash using command 'git clone'
  • Open the window command prompt or Linux shell and Go to local directory where project is cloned.
  • Execute command 'mvn clean test' to start the tests.
Clone this wiki locally