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Repository files navigation

Lateral Navigator

Let users generate a visual interface so they can interact with their data stored in the Lateral API.


Run bundle install to install the ruby gems and then run npm install to install the node packages.


Run foreman start to start the rails server and run gulp.

Visit the URL that BrowserSync outuputs in the terminal. This will most likely be http://localhost:3000.


Folder structure

├── app     # The main application
│   ├── api          # Rails/Grape API
│   ├── assets       # Front-end assets
│   │   ├── images   # Images
│   │   ├── scripts  # The backbone/marionette application
│   │   └── styles   # SASS/Compass files
│   ├── helpers      # Rails helpers
│   ├── models       # Rails models
│   └── views        # HTML pages
├── bin     # Executables for rails, tests, etc
├── config  # Configuration files
├── db      # Databases amd migrations 
├── log     # Logs
├── public  # Front-end app is compiled to here
├── spec    # Tests
├── tmp     # Temporary files
└── vendor  # Third-party gems for Ruby