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MapLibre GL widget

License: BSD-3-Clause
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This is a map viewer widget uses MapLibre GL. It can receive Layers or Point of Interest data and display them on the map.


Be sure to have installed Node.js in your system. For example, you can install it on Ubuntu and Debian running the following commands:

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

Install other npm dependencies by running:

npm install

In order to build this widget, you can use npm :

npm run build


npm run dev

If everything goes well, you will find a wgt file in the dist folder.


Documentation about how to use this widget is available on the User Guide. Anyway, you can find general information about how to use widgets on the WireCloud's User Guide available on Read the Docs.

Third party libraries

The Maplibre GL widget makes use of the following libraries:

Libraries OSS License
maplibre/maplibre-gl-js 3-Clause BSD License
lets-fiware/mapbox-3dtiles 3-Clause BSD License
mrdoob/three.js MIT License
Turfjs/turf MIT License
visgl/ MIT License
visgl/ MIT License
uber-web/ MIT License
Kanahiro/deckgl-gsi-terrain-layer MIT License

The dependencies of dependencies have been omitted from the list.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Kazuhito Suda
Licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License.