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Agent Journal

  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
  {:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
  {:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"}


Agent Journal

For this exercise, you're going to create a Journal Agent which will store journal entries as strings.

Example Solution
defmodule Journal do
  use Agent

  def start_link(entries) do
    Agent.start_link(fn -> entries end)

  def all_entries(pid, opts \\ []) do
    entries = Agent.get(pid, fn state -> state end)
    if opts[:order] == :desc, do: Enum.reverse(entries), else: entries

  def add_entry(pid, entry) do
    # Using ++ is less performant than prepending.
    # A more optimal solution would be to store entries in reverse order so they can be prepended.
    Agent.update(pid, fn state -> state ++ [entry] end)

Implement the Journal module as documented below.

defmodule Journal do
  @moduledoc """
  Documentation for `Journal`
  use Agent

  @doc """
  Start the Agent process.

  ## Examples


      iex> {:ok, pid} = Journal.start_link([])

      With initial entries.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = Journal.start_link(["Entry1", "Entry 2"])
  def start_link(_opts) do

  @doc """
  Get all journal entries.

  ## Examples
      Empty journal.
      iex> {:ok, pid} = Journal.start_link([])
      iex> Journal.all_entries(pid)

      Journal with entries. Entries are returned in ascending order (oldest entries first).

      iex> {:ok, pid} = Journal.start_link(["Entry 1", "Entry 2"])
      iex> Journal.all_entries(pid)
      ["Entry 1", "Entry 2"]
      Ascending order (default).
      iex> {:ok, pid} = Journal.start_link(["Entry 1", "Entry 2"])
      iex> Journal.all_entries(pid, order: :asc)
      ["Entry 1", "Entry 2"]

      Descending order.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = Journal.start_link(["Entry 1", "Entry 2"])
      iex> Journal.all_entries(pid, order: :desc)
      ["Entry 2", "Entry 1"]
  def all_entries(pid, opts \\ []) do

  @doc """
  Add a journal entry.

  ## Examples

    iex> {:ok, pid} = Journal.start_link([])
    iex> Journal.add_entry(pid, "Entry 1")
    iex> Journal.add_entry(pid, "Entry 2")
    iex> Journal.all_entries(pid)
    ["Entry 1", "Entry 2"]
  def add_entry(pid, entry) do

Bonus: Advanced Journal

Expand upon your original journal with several additional features. Journal entries will now be stored as a struct with :id, :title, :content, :updated_at, and created_at fields. Enforce all keys.

example_entry = %AdvancedJournal{
  # ids start at `0` and auto increment with each new entry.
  id: 0,
  title: "Title",
  content: "Content",
  created_at: DateTime.utc_now(),
  updated_at: DateTime.utc_now()
Example Solution
defmodule AdvancedJournal do
  use Agent

  @enforce_keys [:id, :title, :content, :created_at, :updated_at]
  defstruct @enforce_keys

  def start_link(entry_attrs) do
    entries =
      |> Enum.with_index()
      |> {attrs, index} -> make_entry(index, attrs) end)
      |> Enum.reverse()

    Agent.start_link(fn -> %{entries: entries, current_index: Enum.count(entries)} end)

  def all_entries(pid, opts \\ []) do
    entries = Agent.get(pid, fn state -> state.entries end)
    if opts[:order] == :desc, do: entries, else: Enum.reverse(entries)

  def add_entry(pid, attrs) do
    Agent.update(pid, fn state ->
      entry = make_entry(state.current_index, attrs)

        | current_index: state.current_index + 1,
          entries: [entry | state.entries]

  def update_entry(pid, id, attrs) do
    Agent.update(pid, fn state ->
      index = Enum.find_index(state.entries, fn entry -> == id end)

      new_entries = List.update_at(state.entries, index, fn entry -> Map.merge(entry, attrs) end)

      %{state | entries: new_entries}

  def delete_entry(pid, id) do
    Agent.update(pid, fn state ->
      new_entries = Enum.reject(state.entries, fn entry -> == id end)
      %{state | entries: new_entries}

  def make_entry(index, attrs) do
      id: index,
      title: attrs[:title] || "",
      content: attrs[:content] || "",
      created_at: DateTime.utc_now(),
      updated_at: DateTime.utc_now()

Implement the AdvancedJournal using Agent as documented below.

defmodule AdvancedJournal do
  @moduledoc """
  Documentation for `AdvancedJournal`
  use Agent

  @doc """
  Start the Agent process

  ## Examples


      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([])

      With initial entries.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([%{title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1 Content"}])
  def start_link(opts) do

  @doc """
  Return all entries. Entries are automatically assigned an `:id` starting at `0` in the
  order they are created in. The `:created_at` and `:updated_at` fields should be the current
  UTC [DateTime]( at the moment of creation.

  We do not include `:created_at` and `:updated_at` in doctests as small differences 
  in time could cause these tests to fail.

  ## Examples

      Empty journal.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([])
      iex> AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid)

      One entry. 

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([%{title: "Title", content: "Content"}])
      iex> [%AdvancedJournal{id: 0, title: "Title", content: "Content", created_at: _, updated_at: _}] = AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid)

      Multiple entries. Order is ascending by default.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([%{title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1"}, %{title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2"}])
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 0, title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1", created_at: _, updated_at: _},
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 1, title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2", created_at: _, updated_at: _}
      ..>] = AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid)

      Ascending order (default).

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([%{title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1"}, %{title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2"}])
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 0, title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1", created_at: _, updated_at: _},
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 1, title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2", created_at: _, updated_at: _}
      ..>] = AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid, order: :asc)

      Descending order.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([%{title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1"}, %{title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2"}])
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 1, title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2", created_at: _, updated_at: _}
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 0, title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1", created_at: _, updated_at: _},
      ..>] = AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid, order: :desc)
  def all_entries(pid, opts \\ []) do

  @doc """
  Add a journal entry. Automatically create `:id`, `:created_at`, and `:updated_at` fields.

  ## Examples

      One entry.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([])
      iex> AdvancedJournal.add_entry(pid, %{title: "Title", content: "Content"})
      iex> [%AdvancedJournal{id: 0, title: "Title", content: "Content", created_at: _, updated_at: _}] = AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid)

      Multiple entries.

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([])
      iex> AdvancedJournal.add_entry(pid, %{title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1"})
      iex> AdvancedJournal.add_entry(pid, %{title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2"})
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 0, title: "Entry 1", content: "Entry 1", created_at: _, updated_at: _}
      ..>  %AdvancedJournal{id: 1, title: "Entry 2", content: "Entry 2", created_at: _, updated_at: _},
      ..>] = AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid)
  def add_entry(pid, attrs) do

  @doc """
  Update a journal entry. 
  This should automatically set the `:updated_at` field to the current [DateTime](

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([%{title: "Title", content: "Content"}])
      iex> AdvancedJournal.update_entry(pid, 0, %{title: "Updated Title", content: "Updated Content"})
      iex> [%AdvancedJournal{id: 0, title: "Updated Title", content: "Updated Content", created_at: _, updated_at: _}] = AdvancedJournal.all_entries(pid)
  def update_entry(pid, id, attrs) do

  @doc """
  Delete a journal entry by it's id.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, pid} = AdvancedJournal.start_link([%{title: "Title", content: "Content"}])
      iex> AdvancedJournal.delete_entry(pid, 0)
      iex> []
  def delete_entry(pid, id, attrs) do

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$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish Agent Journal exercise"
$ git push

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