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This is a plugin that let you easily add LiveSession tracking code to your Gatsby website. Plugin adds code only in production mode. Follow the instruction to configure it properly.

  1. Install npm i @livesession/gatsby-plugin-livesession or yarn add @livesession/gatsby-plugin-livesession

  2. Configure

// In gatsby-config.js

plugins: [
    resolve: `@livesession/gatsby-plugin-livesession`,
    options: {
      trackID: YOUR_LIVESESSION_TRACKID, // Required, string
      keystrokes: true || false, // Optional, default to false
      rootHostname: '', // Optional



This is a place for your Tracking ID, you can get it from your LiveSession account. Tracking code won't be genereated without it.


Enable global keystroke tracking, read more here


Set this to the highest-level hostname to record session across different subdomains on your site. (e.g.


  1. Where can i find a tracking ID?
    • Log into your account in LiveSession
    • Go to Settings > Websites and click on Tracking code
    • You'll see a TrackID on the right side above the tracking code
  2. How to check if my tracking script works? Simply add __ls_validation query to string parameter in your web browser URL, for more informations check out this article

More informations about configuration and methods go to LiveSession Developers page

For support contact us at [email protected] or visit