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lnksz edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 4 revisions

quick'n'dirty rivus wiki

Only for small tips or remarks, not instead of proper docs!

Windows Enviroment Set-ups

If no easy standard way of installation is available, then a good plan-b can be: gohlke and on how to install whl-s : wheel install

Debugging with PyCharm

If the debugging is not running out-of-the-box, for me installing fiona and some geopandas related packages by hand solved the problem. [ geopandas-win, fiona-issue ]

Graph libs -- python-igraph

pycairo --> python-igraph

Graph libs -- graph-tools

... meant to work on unixlike OSs. I will have a look at the docker solution.

Dependency handling - TODO create issue

  • Have a look at this conda setup with req.txt - scipy-example
  • extra pkgs to readme: xlrd, openxls...

Conda with jupyter

  • for interactive matplots: %matplotlib notebook
  • for seeing and changing among conda-envs conda install nb_conda