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Kendryte K210 SDK with FreeRTOS

This SDK is for Kendryte K210 which contains FreeRTOS support.
Ported from Kendryte kendryte-freertos-sdk

Changes to make the SDK work better with MicroPython, but can be used as SDK for other applications to

You may want to edit lib/freertos/conf/FreeRTOSConfig.h to make some changes to better suit your needs.

Use the latest Kendryte GNU Toolchain v8.2.0-20190409.

To compile only the libraries, execute (no project given):

cd build
cmake ../ -DTOOLCHAIN=<path_to_kendryte-toolchain>/bin

The following libraries will be created in build directory:


To build the project, place your project source files in the directory src/<project_name> and execute:

cd build
cmake ../ -DPROJ=<project_name> -DTOOLCHAIN=<path_to_kendryte-toolchain>/bin

Use -jN make option for faster build.

Example: Build 'uart_example' project

Change working directory to build directory.
Export your Kendryte toolchain directory path, for example
export CROSS_COMPILE=${PWD}/../../kendryte-toolchain/bin


cmake ../ -DPROJ=uart_example -DTOOLCHAIN=${CROSS_COMPILE}
make -j8

Flash the created uart_example.bin to your board. is provided in the src directory.
Change working directory to src directory.

./ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 2000000 -t ../build/uart_example.bin

This version of has terminal emulator included, with -t option it will be started after flashing.


  • Drivers
    • uarths: added - uarths_baudrate global variable used by uarths_init function
    • uart: enable using external uart irq handler, added functions uart_get_driver(handle_t file), uart_get_handle(void *driver)
    • i2c: some changes and new functions
    • spi: many changes, some new functions, much improved slave support
    • gpiohs: some changes for better interrupt handling
    • gpio: added some missing functions
    • timer: added some functions
    • pwm: added some functions
    • dmac: dma_completion_isr, do not assert on wrong int status, but provide the interrupt status in global variable to be used by caller function
  • syslog: various changes
    • print log time in micro seconds
    • make syslog level configurable during run time
    • make syslog colors configurable during run time
    • add syslog mutex
    • enable filtering of non-printable characters
  • FreeRTOS tasks:
    • lot of changes for better multiprocessor support
    • some useful functions added or enabled
    • all notification functions uses 64-bit values
  • FreeRTOS heap_4: added functions pvPortRealloc & pvPortCalloc
  • filesystem: added setting file time from external function (get_fattime(void) function), enabled f_mkfs() function, default code page set to 850
  • lwip: added SHA256, enabled PPP support, enabled IGMP, thread priority set to 12
    • SNTP: added function set_rtc_time_from_seconds(time_t seconds) to set RTC, enabled support for DNS names
  • added reading 64-bit CSR, function: read_csr64(reg)
  • other small changes for better functionality and no compiler warnings

Full list of modified files:

  • lib/arch/include/
    • encoding.h
  • lib/bsp/
    • entry_user.c
    • dump.c
    • printf.c
    • device/
      • dmac.cpp
      • gpiohs.cpp
      • i2c.cpp
      • pwm.cpp
      • rtc.cpp
      • spi.cpp
      • timer.cpp
      • uart.cpp
  • lib/drivers/src/storage/
    • sdcard.cpp
  • lib/utils/include/
    • syslog.h
  • lib/freertos/
    • conf/
      • FreeRTOSConfig.h
    • include/
      • devices.h
      • filesystem.h
      • hal.h
      • FreeRTOS.h
      • osdefs.h
      • portabe.h
      • task.h
      • kernel/
        • driver.hpp
        • object.hpp
    • kernel/
      • devices.cpp
      • storage/
        • filesystem.cpp
    • portable/
      • heap_4.c
      • portmacro.h
  • lib/hal/
    • uarths.c
    • include/
      • spi.h
      • uarths.h
  • third_party/
    • fatfs/
      • source/
        • ffconf.h
    • lwip/
      • src/
        • Filelist.cmake
        • api/
          • sockets.c
        • include/
          • lwipopts.h
          • lwip/
            • opt.h
            • apps/
              • sntp_opts.h`
          • netif/
            • ppp/
              • ppp_opts.h


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