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Douglas R. Miles edited this page Jan 5, 2021 · 16 revisions

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We want to bring fresh life into the Artificial Intelligence field by combining several promising logical theories, and integrating a few experimental elements all our own. Our work is based on the Conceptual Dependency Theory of Roger Schank. We arrange these into the Event Calculus of Eric Muller to form the narratives. With Michael Kifer’s F-logic we fill in Events Calculus holes. And John​ McCarthy's elaboration tolerance we have the ability to accept changes to the representation of facts about a subject without having to start all over. Often the addition of a few sentences describing the change suffices for humans and so should also suffice for computer programs. There are many kinds of elaborations a person can tolerate, and they pose different problems to different logical formulations

● analogical planning (chunking): storing successful plans and adapting them to future problems
● daydreaming goals: strategies for what to think about
● hierarchical planning: achieving a goal by breaking it down into subgoals
● episode indexing in F-Logic and retrieval: mechanisms for indexing and retrieval of cases
● serendipity detection and application: a mechanism for recognizing and exploiting accidental
   relationships among problems
● action mutation: a strategy for generating new possibilities when the system is stuck

Schank’s conceptual dependency theory has laid dormant for want of various technological advancements for so long that most scientists of the field are unaware of its successes and potential. This project is unique in that the elements it seeks to combine are novel and our usage of these elements is quite different than anything previously attempted. Narrative Intelligence has proved itself a useful process but development has halted. Unfortunately the likelihood educational curriculums producing qualified candidates in the future is low. ​We believe our method may overcome current limits and show sufficient coverage for understanding which we will be able to build from as a basis for human computer interaction. Our method will create Artificial General Intelligence

LogicMOOProject implements a paraconsistent openworld defeasible modal temporal epistemological deontic logic. Use of your funds ​:

This groundbreaking work requires a team of 8-12 highly specialized/qualified experts from multiple specialized fields(including cognitive psychology, discursive logic ai, user-interface. etc) working full time. Logicmoo uses your money to support this work being done in Open Source!

LogicMOOProject contains the following projects (nonexhaustive):

LogicMOOProject contains the following SWIPL packs (nonexhaustive):

LogicMOOProject may use the following external projects (nonexhaustive):

LogicMOOProject integrates these existing AI systems (nonexhaustive):

  • References:


  • Project Metadata:


  • Potential Projects:
  • Be great for instance we had an expert at using JNIL,
  • or someone that can port ugly AllegroCL to SBCL code,
  • or someone to take the STELLA-to-CommonLisp and convert it to CycLisp-to-CommonLisp,
  • or someone to port nice old demos to using CYC's blackboard instead get/set-props,
  • or someone to finish my CLOS<->BlackboardedCLOS,
  • BlackboardedCLOS uses a prolog-like backend.
  • Desiderata
  • Need a Lisp, a Java, a Prolog developer at least.
  • Someone understands Cyc and Schank better.
  • Email Schank saying we are implementing his SPGU-T, ask if he's interested.
  • Should invite Kino as well.
  • What we have
  • Actually two, maybe three other people in #logicmoo do know CYC very very well.
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