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Microsoft Teams "Azure AD single sign on for tabs" sample app in Node.js


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Microsoft Teams NodeJS Helloworld - Tabs Azure AD SSO Sample
Microsoft Teams hello world sample app for tabs Azure AD SSO in Node.js
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11/3/2017 12:53:17 PM

Microsoft Teams - Tabs Azure AD Single Sign-On Sample

This sample is built on top of the Hello World Node.js sample to show you how to implement Azure AD single sign-on support for tabs. In addition, this sample also shows you how to request additional Graph API permissions from the user (even though most apps will find the single sign-on flow sufficient to authenticate a user).


  1. Setup an Ngrok account. This will allow you to test locally.
    • You will also need to sign up for a reserved subdomain since you will need a permanent address to use as your app's URL in Azure AD.
    • Make sure you've downloaded and installed Ngrok on your local machine.
  2. Create an AAD application in Azure. You can do this by visiting the "Azure AD app registration" portal in Azure.
    • Set your application URI to the same URI you've created in Ngrok.
      • Ex: api://
    • Setup your redirect URIs. This will allow Azure AD to return authentication results to the correct URI.
      • Visit Manage > Authentication.
      • Create a redirect URI in the format of:
      • Enable Implicit Grant by selecting Access Tokens and ID Tokens.
    • Setup a client secret. You will need this when you exchange the token for more API permissions from your backend.
      • Visit Manage > Certificates & secrets
      • Create a new client secret.
    • Setup your API permissions. This is what your application is allowed to request permission to access.
      • Visit Manage > API Permissions
      • Make sure you have the following Graph permissions enabled: email, offline_access, openid, User.Read and profile.
      • Our SSO flow will give you access to the first 4 permissions, and we will have to exchange the token server-side to get an elevated token for the profile permission (for example, if we want access to the user's profile photo).
    • Expose an API that will give the Teams desktop, web and mobile clients access to the permissions above
      • Visit Manage > Expose an API
      • Add a scope and give it a scope name of access_as_user. Your API url should look like this: api://{appID}/access_as_user. In the "who can consent" step, enable it for "Admins and users". Make sure the state is set to "enabled".
      • Next, add two client applications. This is for the Teams desktop/mobile clients and the web client.
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        • 1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264

Configuring this app for local development

  1. Update your manifest.json file
    • Replace {ngrokSubdomain} with the subdomain you've assigned to your Ngrok account in step #1 above.
    • Update your webApplicationInfo section with your Azure AD application ID that you were assigned in step #2 above.
  2. Update your config/default.json file
    • Replace the property with you Azure AD application ID
    • Replace the tab.password property with the "client secret" you were assigned in step #2

Running the app locally

  1. Run Ngrok to expose your local web server via a public URL. Make sure to point it to your Ngrok URI
    • Win: ./ngrok http 3333 -host-header=localhost:3333 -subdomain="contoso"
    • Mac: /ngrok http 3333 -host-header=localhost:3333 -subdomain="contoso"
  2. Install the neccessary NPM packages and start the app
    • npm install
    • npm start
    • Your app should be running on port 3333

Packaging and installing your app to Teams

  1. Package your manifest
    • gulp package-manifest
    • This will create a zip file in the manifest folder
  2. Install in Teams
    • Open Teams and visit the app store. Depending on the version of Teams, you may see an "App Store" button in the bottom left of Teams or you can find the app store by visiting Apps > More Apps in the left-hand app rail.
    • Install the app by clicking on the Upload a custom app link in the bottom left-hand side of the app store.
    • Upload the manifest zip file created in step #1

Trying out the app

  1. Once you've installed the app, it should automatically open for you. Visit the Auth Tab to begin testing out the authentication flow.
  2. Follow the onscreen prompts. The authentication flow will print the output to your screen.
    • First you will see a dialog in Teams letting you know you need to grant permission to use the app.
    • Then an AAD consent dialog will appear in a seperate window.
    • Once you've consented to the permissions, your app will have enough information to authenticate you. This should be enough for most apps.
    • The app will then try and access an API server-side for which you have not yet granted permission but fail in doing so. You will then see the "Grant further permissions" button enabled. You can click this to trigger another consent dialog for the additional permissions.
    • Once you've granted all the permissions, you can revisit this tab and you will notice that you will automatically be logged in.

App structure


Compared to the Hello World sample, this app has four additional routes:

  1. /auth renders the authenticaiton page.
    • This is the tab called Auth Tab in personal app inside Teams. The purpose of this page is primarily to execute the auth.js file that handles initiates the authentication flow.
  2. /auth/token does not render anything but instead is the server-side route for initiating the on-behalf-of flow.
    • It takes the token it receives from the /auth page and attemps to exchange it for a new token that has elevated permissions to access the profile Graph API (which is usually used to retrieve the users profile photo).
    • If it fails (because the user hasn't granted permission to access the profile API), it returns an error to the /auth page. This error is used to enable the "Grant further permissions" button which opens the /auth/start page in a seperate window.
  3. /auth/start and /auth/end routes are used if the user needs to grant further permissions. This experience happens in a seperate window.
    • The /auth/start page merely creates a valid AAD authorization endpoint and redirects to that AAD consent page.
    • Once the user has consented to the permissions, AAD redirects the user back to /auth/end. This page is responsible for returning the results back to the /auth page by calling the notifySuccess API.
    • This workflow is only neccessary if you want authorization to use additional Graph APIs. Most apps will find this flow unnesseccary if all they want to do is authenticate the user.
    • This workflow is the same as our standard web-based authentication flow that we've always had in Teams before we had single sign-on support. It just so happens that it's a great way to request additional permissions from the user, so it's left in this sample as an illustration of what that flow looks like.


This Javascript file is served from the /auth page and handles most of the client-side authentication workflow. This file is broken into three main functions:

  1. getAuthToken
    • This function asks Teams for an authentication token from AAD.
    • Teams will show a dialog to the user letting them know they need to consent to this app logging them in.
    • Once the user has consented to the AAD dialog, this function sends the token to the backend.
  2. sendTokenToBackend
    • Once the user has consented to this app logging them in (authentication), we would like to have access to further API permissions not intially granted in the consent flow (authorization).
    • This function sends the token to the backend to exchange for elevated permissions using AAD's on-behalf-of flow. In this case, it sends the token to the /auth/token route.
  3. initializeConsentButton
    • If this is the first time the user is interacting with the app, chances are they haven't granted the app permission to access their avatar picture (ie: Profile Graph API). Therefor we need to enable the "Grant furhter permissions" button.
    • When clicked, this button opens another dialog (/auth/start) to ask the user to grant further permissions.

Additional reading

More information on the Hellow World sample - and for how to get started with Microsoft Teams development in general - is found in Get started on the Microsoft Teams platform with Node.js and App Studio.

For further information on Single Sign-On and how it works, visit our Single Sign-On documentation


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Microsoft Teams "Azure AD single sign on for tabs" sample app in Node.js







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