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Utils for Firedrake


  1. Firedrake:
  2. tqdm:
  3. meshio:

How to install

  1. Activate the firedrake environment

    source </path/to/firedrake/bin/activate>
  2. Clone the repo to the source directory of firedrake (or other path)

    cd $(dirname $(dirname $(which python)))/src
    git clone
  3. Install

    cd $(dirname $(dirname $(which python)))/src/fdutils
    make develop

    NOTE: If you use firedrake before firedrake pr#2662 (merged in 21/02/2023), please checkout branch v20230219 before make:

    git checkout v20230219

List class/functions

Class for evaluating Functions

  1. PointCloud: A class to help evaluate functions on points.

    This class is used to evaluate functions for many times on a group of points. It works in case that you give different points on different mpi ranks. This is an alternative solution before VertexOnlyMesh in Firedrake supporting this feature.

    Example code on interpolating function f1 on mesh m1 to function f2 on mesh m2

    import firedrake as fd
    from fdutils import PointCloud
    from import get_nodes_coords
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    m1 = fd.RectangleMesh(10, 10, 1, 1)
    V1 = fd.FunctionSpace(m1, 'CG', 2)
    x, y = fd.SpatialCoordinate(m1)
    f1 = fd.Function(V1).interpolate(x**2 + y**2)
    m2 = fd.RectangleMesh(20, 20, 1, 1)
    V2 = fd.FunctionSpace(m2, 'CG', 3)
    f2 = fd.Function(V2)
    points = get_nodes_coords(f2)
    pc = PointCloud(m1, points, tolerance=1e-12)
    f2.dat.data_with_halos[:] = pc.evaluate(f1)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=[8, 4], subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d'))
    fd.trisurf(f1, axes=ax[0])
    fd.trisurf(f2, axes=ax[1])
  2. PointArray: Another class to help evaluate functions on points.

    This is a wrapper for at method of function to present the same interface as PointCloud.

  3. PointVOM: A wrapper for VortexOnlyMesh to provide the same interface with PointCloud.

Methods to compute errors of functions defined on different meshes


Prograssbar for parallel

  1. Class fdutils.ptqdm

Get information of mesh

  1. fdutils.meshutils