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An implementation of the Weisfeiler Lehman kernel on two graphs


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Weisfeiler-Lehman Subtree Kernel


This programme computes the Weisfeler-Lehman Subtree Kernel on two undirected, weighted graphs. It can also be used to compute embeddings of two graphs produced by the Weisfeiler-Lehman test of graph isomorphism.


The label compression is based on the MD5 hashing from Brumme's Hashing Library.


On a bash command, at the root of the folder:

cd WLKernel


In folder WLKernel:

./wlkernel <File_1> <File_2> [options]

Computes the similarity between the graphs in <File_1> and <File_2>, based on the normalised dot product of their embeddings produced by a Weisfeiler-Lehman test.

  • If extension of <File_i> is emb, the programme assumes that the file contains an already computed embedding.

  • Otherwise, it computes the graph embedding using a Weisfeiler-Lehman test of depth 2. Initial node features are their weighted degrees. Graphs must be in a weighted edgelist format with integer nodes and edge weights, and edges must be repeated (see Figure).


  • -d <k> : To change the depth of the Weisfeiler-Lehman test to <k>.

⚠️ This has no impact if both graph embeddings are read directly.

  • -save : If the embedding of one or both graph(s) are built, the programme saves it in a file <File_i>.emb.
  • -nonorm: To not normalise the dot product of the two graph embeddings (otherwise it is normalised by the max of both norms).
  • -feat_k <FileToFeat>: Path to a file containing node features to use instead of node degrees. Must contain as many rows as there are nodes in the format node feat. Features must be integers.

⚠️ This has no impact if the corresponding graph embedding is read directly.


./wlkernel ../Data/g1.txt ../Data/g2.txt -d 1 -feat1 ../Data/feat1.txt -feat2 ../Data/feat2.txt -nonorm

Graphs g1 and g2 with respective node features feat1 and feat2 are graphs from Fig. 2 of Shervashidze's paper. With a Wesfeiler-Lehman test of depth 1 and no normalisation, their kernel is found to be 11.


This work was supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Office of the Chief Science Advisor for National Security under the UK Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme.