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Bliss ( is a music library manager, that "makes your music library more browsable, searchable, playable and beautiful, whichever music players you use". It can move files, structure your library, rename files and folders and fetch metadata and artwork as defined by your rules.

alt text


docker run -d \
--name=bliss \ 
--restart=unless-stopped \
-v /path/to/config/on/host:/config \
-v /path/to/music/on/host:/music \
-v /path/to/store/license/:/root/.java
-e PGID=1000 \
-e PUID=1000 \
-e TZ=Europe/Oslo \
-p 3220:3220 \
-p 3221:3221 \


Parameter Function
-d Run the container in the background (daemon)
--name=bliss The name of the container
--restart=unless-stopped Setting the restart policy of the container (see below)
-v /config Path to dir where Bliss stores config data.
-v /music Path to your music collection on the host
-v /root/.java Where to provide persitant storage for license and settings on host
-e PUID=1000 Setting UserID (see below)
-e PGID=1000 Setting GroupID (see below)
-e TZ=Europe/Oslo Setting TimeZone to use for the container
-p 3220:3220 Passing port 3220 on the host to port 3220 in the container (WebUI)
-p 3221:3221 Passing port 3221 on the host to port 3221 in the container (Internal)
Restart policy
Option Result
no The container is never automatically restarted
on-failure Restarts the container if it exits because of an error
always Always restart the container
unless-stopped Restarting the container unless it was manually stopped

More info and details here


These ID's are used to determine which user/group the container runs as. This is useful to ensure proper read/write permissions for the volumes (-v) we use. To find your UID (UserID) and GID (GroupID), run the following command:

$ id username
  uid=1000(username) gid=1000(groupname) groups=1000(groupname)...

Setup the application

Once the docker container is up and running you can access the WebUI at host-ip-address:3220.

Out of the box you have 100 fixes included as a trial, but I recommend that you buy the amount of fixes you need here: Buy fixes

Contact / Disclaimer

If you have questions you can try to reach out to me at [email protected], but I created this mostly for my own use. This also isn´t close to my profession so stuff might break down the line. I have used the "latest"-tag for the Alpine base image and I am also pulling the latest linux-version of Bliss. If there is any breaking parts between them, this image will also break. That is fine for me personally, but you shouldn´t trust this in a production environment.

I have also based my Dockerfile on the already working version from romancin.