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Todo list for the web in React and Redux.


Start by downloading and building the project when necessary. The following commands will do the job on most Debian based Linux distributions.

git clone
cd react-redux-todo
sudo ./gradlew


Run the following script to start a development server. After this the application will be available at

npm start

To get and run a production build use the script below. The contents will be placed inside build.

npm build
npm run build


Test checks are executed automatically every time the project is built. Builds can be done remotely or continuously on a development context. For continuous integration and development use docker-compose. This is recommended to keep the system clean while the project is built every time the sources change.

sudo docker-compose up

For continuous integration and development without any dependencies use the Gradle wrapper. This is the best option if the wrapper is available and the Docker context is not valid. For a full list of tasks, see sudo ./gradlew tasks --all. For a CI cycle use sudo ./gradlew --continuous.

For continuous integration and development without Docker or the project wrapper use Gradle directly. This will create the wrapper in case it is not present. Similar to the above, for a CI cycle use sudo gradle --continuous. Gradle 3.4.1 is required for this to work. Plain Docker is also available for remote integration tasks and alike. Build the image with sudo docker build . and run a new container with it. Information on how to install Docker and docker-compose can be found in their official page. A similar installation guide is available for Gradle.


The issue tracker intends to manage and compile bugs, enhancements, proposals and tasks. Reading through its material or reporting to its contributors via the platform is strongly recommended.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and to certain syntax conventions defined in .editorconfig. To get a list of changes refer to the CHANGELOG. Only branches prefixed by feature-, hotfix-, or release- will be considered:

  • Fork the project.
  • Create your new branch: git checkout -b feature-my-feature develop
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Added my new feature.'
  • Push the branch: git push origin feature-my-feature
  • Submit a pull request.


This project is created by marcbperez and maintained by its author and contributors.


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.