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GitHub Action






Sync your leetcode solutions with your github repo


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: LeetCode-collectinator

uses: ME-ON1/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in ME-ON1/Leetcode-SyncInAction

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Why take the effort of copy/pasting manually when you can make use of technology to do it for ya.

LC-SyncInAction solves this problem and takes your cookie in his hand to pull and push your Accepted solution everyday.

First run will pull all your Accepted solutions from LC ( which will take 1h 46 min to 2h 30 min approx ) and create those submission in the current repository in the specified directory (root, if not provided )

All the run afterwards will fetch your last 20 Accepted submission everyday at 8AM UTC ( 1:30 IST ) daily.

Requirements :

cookie value from the request headers

This cookie value has to be saved as a repository secret named as cookieVal which has to be passed as ${{ secrets.cookieVal }} into action step you can look here on how to do save a repository secret

You can also pass location of directory, to option solution_location , where would you like to collect all your solutions ( the default is root directory ).


Example use case of this action in your WORKFLOWS.

jobs : 
  build :
    run-on : ubuntu-latest 

  steps : 
    -name : Using LC-Collectinator
     uses : ME-ON1/Leetcode-SyncInAction
        with :
          cookieVal : ${{ secrets.cookieVal }} # secrets.cookieVal coming from repository secret    
          solution_location : 'path/to/directory'  # if any , default is root '.'


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License