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GitHub Action

Web Accessibility Evaluation


Web Accessibility Evaluation


Web Accessibility Evaluation

Fast and feature-packed web accessibility testing


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Web Accessibility Evaluation

uses: a11ywatch/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in a11ywatch/github-actions

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A GitHub action that runs actionable accessibility reports on your website that goes beyond what a linter can catch.

This action installs the A11yWatch CLI onto your pipeline starting the suite locally or from a remote external connection.


- uses: a11ywatch/[email protected]
    WEBSITE_URL: ${{ secrets.WEBSITE_URL }}
    FIX: true
    SUBDOMAINS: true
    TLD: true

Action inputs

All inputs are optional except $WEBSITE_URL.

Name Description Default
WEBSITE_URL Website domain to scan (Start with http:// or https://).
SITE_WIDE Site-wide scanning across all pages. false
FIX Attempt to apply recommendations to code and commit to github. false
SUBDOMAINS Include all subdomains (required SITE_WIDE=true). true
TLD Include all tld extensions (required SITE_WIDE=true). true
FAIL_TOTAL_COUNT Determine whether to fail the CI if total issues warnings and errors exceed the counter. Takes precedence over the other FAIL inputs. 0
FAIL_ERRORS_COUNT Determine whether to fail the CI if total issues with errors exceed the counter. 0
FAIL_WARNINGS_COUNT Determine whether to fail the CI if total issues with warnings exceed the counter. 0
EXTERNAL Use the A11yWatch remote api for fast results. If this is set A11YWATCH_TOKEN is needed.
COMPUTER_VISION_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY Computer Vision API key for image recognition on alts.
COMPUTER_VISION_ENDPOINT Computer Vision url endpoint. false
DISABLE_PR_STATS Prevent messaging to the pr results of test. false
TOKEN GITHUB_TOKEN (permissions contents: write and pull-requests: write) or a repo scoped Personal Access Token (PAT). GITHUB_TOKEN
A11YWATCH_TOKEN The A11yWatch api token to use to identify a user.
UPGRADE Upgrade the docker images before testing to latest.

Action Outputs

Name Description Default
results The results of the report as json.
issues The amount of issues found

An example based on the above reference configuration creates a comment on pull requests that look like this and possible code fix commits:

Example of action results posting to Github for the website

Example of code fix changes being applied from scan and pushed to github. Example shows a Siemese Cat and Eskimo Husky alt property being auto-filled to code.