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Final challenge developed on Rocketseat's Bootcamp creating a delivery application, includind backend in Node.js, frontend in React and mobile in React Native


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FastFeet Fullstack app

Application for studying purposes

Last commit GitHub language count Made by Matheus Lenke License

Project   |    Technologies   |    How to run   |    Licence

👨🏻‍💻 Project

This Project is a simplified version of an delivery application.

Backend: its a Node.js RESTful API used to handle all the logic and interations with our databases, delivering to our interfaces JSON elements with the needed data on the frontend and mobile

Frontend: a ReactJS application made to the Admin manage all the Orders, Recipients and Deliverymen subscribed to the application

Mobile: a React Native application made for iOS and Android that's responsible for the Deliveryman see and change his deliveries

🚀 Technologies

Some of the Technologies involved in this project:

  • Node.js
  • ReactJS
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Redux-Saga
  • Redux-persist
  • Styled-components
  • Yup
  • @rocketseat/Unform
  • React-toastify
  • React Navigation @5.x
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • React Icons
  • BcryptJS
  • JSON Web Token
  • Bee-queue
  • Sentry
  • VsCode

🏃🏻‍♂️ How to run


You will need:

  • Git
  • NodeJs
  • Yarn
  • Docker (or have running instances of Redis:alpine and PostgreSQL)
  • Reactotron (For better debugging)
  • Android Studio


I recommend using Docker images for the databases, since its simple to configure it. Add the following images to your docker containers:

#  install Postgres Image
$ docker run --name imageName -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=YourPassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

#  start postgres image
$ docker start imageName

#  install Redis Image
$ docker run --name imageName -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine

#  start redis image
$ docker start imageName

After that, clone the repository in your computer

git clone


Now you need to configure the environment variables of your backend, so you can access all databases with the node.js server. Go to ./backend/.env.example and fill with you data. For now, you don't need to insert SENTRY_DNS and you can use to test e-mail features

After that, you can go to ~/backend and execute:

$ yarn

# Script to start the development server
$ yarn dev && yarn queue

You can also use another port for your server going to ~/backend/src/server.js and changing the port inside app.listen(PORT)

Now, you need to run the database migrations in the docker components you configured. For that, just go to ~/backend and execute:

$ yarn sequelize db:migrate

$ yarn sequelize db:seed:all

# in case you did something wrong, try to
$ yarn sequelize db:migrate:undo:all


Similar to our backend, just go to ~/frontend and execute:

$ yarn

# Script to start the development server
$ yarn start

The React application will be mounted in your http://localhost:3333


This application was fully tested only on Android

Finally, to run the mobile application, go to ~/mobile and execute:

$ yarn

# In case you are using an android Emulator, to Reactotron works
$ adb reverse tcp:9090 tcp:9090 
$ adb reverse tcp:3333 tcp:3333

# To android run via USB
$ adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

$ react-native run-android
  • if you are running via USB, don't forget to go into ~/config/ReactotronConfig.js and insert your machine ip in .configure: .configure({url: 'Your Machine IP'}), and to go to ~/services/api and change baseUrl to your machine ip too

  • if you are using an android emulator, using as baseURL in these configs should work


Only if you are using MacOS

$ yarn

$ cd ios

$ pod install

$ cd ..

# you can use the --simulator="iPhone 11" to run another version of iPhone if you are in MacOS
$ react-native run-ios

Now you can start testing or programming. Have Fun!

Extra info

This project was developed for studying purposes and its the final challenge of Rocketseat's bootcamp goStack 10.0

📝 Licence

This project is under MIT License. See the file LICENSE for more details.

Made with 💜 by Matheus Lenke