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Notes & simple python code to aid understanding the workings of neural networks

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Deep Feedforward Neural Network on MNIST dataset from scratch

check out my notes on:

forward propagation (computing the output of a neural network):

back propagation (updating the network's weights by correcting its mistakes):

implementing Neural Network:

This project implements a simple neural network to classify handwritten numbers from the mnist dataset.

The following libraries are used:

  • zipfile: For extracting dataset files.
  • numpy: For numerical computations.
  • pandas: For data manipulation.
  • matplotlib.pyplot: For plotting images.
  • sklearn.metrics: For evaluating the model's performance.


Dataset Loading

  • Extract the dataset from a ZIP file and load it into a Pandas DataFrame.
  • Convert the DataFrame to a NumPy array and prepare the training and test datasets.

Dataset Preparation

  • Shuffle the dataset and split it into training and test sets.
  • Normalize the features to ensure pixel values are between 0 and 1.

Initialize Parameters

  • Define a function to initialize random weights and biases for each layer in the network.

Activation Functions

  • Implement the ReLU and Softmax activation functions.

Forward Propagation

  • Define a function to perform forward propagation through the network using the activation functions.

Cost Function Calculation

  • Implement a cost function to calculate the cross-entropy loss between predictions and true labels.

Backward Propagation

  • Define a function to perform backward propagation to compute gradients of the cost function with respect to the parameters.

Parameter Update

  • Implement gradient descent to update the parameters using the computed gradients.

Train Network

  • Define a function to train the neural network using the training data, specified architecture, learning rate, and tolerance for convergence.


  • Implement a function to predict labels for given input features using the trained network.

Predict Single Example

  • Define a function to predict the label for a single input sample.
  • Implement a function to visualize an input image and compare the true label with the predicted label.


  • Modify the layers list in the run_architecture function to change the architecture of the network.
  • Adjust max_iterations, learning_rate, and tolerance in the train_model function to fine-tune the training process.
def run_architecture(features_train, labels_train):
    layers = [128, 64, 10]  # number of hidden layers and neurons of each layer (input layer always 784 on output always 10)
    max_iterations = 100  # how many loops
    learning_rate = 0.04  # how long step into gradient direction (learning_rate -> dot-product with gradient)
    tolerance = 0.002  # at what difference in cost the learning stops


# install dependencies
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# visualize dataset
# train and test model

output of


other types / shapes of Neural Networks and their Applications 



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