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Simple ASP.NET 5 microservice. Includes tests, health checks with UI, structured logging, distributed tracing, and feature management

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Docker is used to create images that contain everything that is needed to run the app. Images are created using instructions listed in Dockerfile. Here's an example build command:

docker build -f "MyMicroservice\Dockerfile" .

  • Dockerfile can contain multiple stages (each starts with keyword FROM).
  • Instructions for each stage executed top to bottom.
  • Only stages that "final" stage depends on are executed.
  • During Debug build Visual Studio only executes "base" stage. Visual Studio handles the rest of the process without regard to the contents of the Dockerfile. If you want to disable the performance optimization and build as the Dockerfile specifies, then set the ContainerDevelopmentMode property to Regular in the project file (or docker compose project file, if you use it).
  • Multistage build also helps to reduce image size. For example, you don't need whole .Net SDK to run the app, but you need it to build it, so "build" stage can use sdk image to build the app, and "final" stage can use runtime image and just copy artifacts of the "build" stage.
  • Each instruction doesn't get executed every time you create new image. Docker tracks what changed from the previous run and only executes instructions after first updated file is copied. That's why "restore" steps are done separately from build. This optimization works only for local builds and self-hosted agents though.
  • Azure Pipelines can be configured to cache Docker images, but most common ones are already pre-cached.
  • Unit Tests can be run with Dockerfile or with task in build pipeline. If you run tests with Docker file - entire build-test process is handeled by Docker, so the only thing left for the pipeline is to publish the image. Howewer, there might be some issues with propagating test results back to the pipeline.


On Windows Docker containers are being run in WSL (Windows Linux Subsystem). It has it's own process (Vmmem) which has tendency to consume as much memory as possible.

  • You can stop the subsystem using wsl --shutdown, but then you'll need to restart the Docker to continue using it.
  • You can limit amount of memory WSL can consume by creating .wslconfig file in user's folder that looks as follows:
memory=4GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 4 GB

Docker compose

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.

  • Docker compose is used to configure and start multiple containers at the same time. It doesn't provide any advanced orchestration support (restarting container if it fails, auto-scaling, etc.), so it's mainly used for local development and testing.
  • To build all your images use docker compose build, and docker compose up to build and start them.
  • If you need to call one container from another one, you can call it by it's name specified in docker-compose.yml file (eg: http:\\mycontainer). You don't need to expose any ports from mycontainer to do that.
  • There can be multiple docker-compose files, each adding or updating configuration form the previous one. By default there are docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml. You can think of them as appsettings.json and appsettings.Development.json.
  • If you need to pass the same environment variable (with the same value) into multiple containers, create .env file with key-value pairs, and specify default values for needed variables: ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development. After that you can omit value for variables in docker-compose file:


Production-Grade Container Orchestration

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

  • Use this command to convert docker-compose file into Kubernetes deployment: kompose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml convert
  • Kubernetes can launch multiple instances of the same image, so you need to create a load balancer to access any container. Internal load balancer is called Service, and external one is called LoadBalancer.



Structured logging uses a defined format to add important details to logs and make it easier to interact with them in different ways. The default layout for many types of application logs is a plain text layout, which is easily readable for humans but difficult to interact with for machines. Structured logging takes plain text application logs and converts them into a set of data points that can be more easily analyzed by a machine.

Common project from this PoC contains all needed pieces to add structured logging to an ASP.NET application.

  1. (optional) Add your Application insights instrumentation key in .env file.
  2. Add Serilog: In Program.cs add .AddLogging(<app-name>) right after Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args). This will initialize Serilog with sinks to console, Seq, and app insights.
  3. Enrich HTTP request logs: In Startup.Configure add app.UseLogging() before any handlers whose activities should be logged (like UseRouting or UseEndpoints).


Distributed tracing, also called distributed request tracing, is a method used to profile and monitor applications, especially those built using a microservices architecture. Distributed tracing helps pinpoint where failures occur and what causes poor performance.

Distributed tracing allows to obtain information about full request path even it crossed multiple services.

Common project from this PoC contains all needed pieces to add distributed tracing to an ASP.NET application.

  1. (optional) Add your Application insights instrumentation key in .env file.
  2. Add trace logging: In Startup.ConfigureServices add services.AddTracing(<app-name>). This will add Application Insights and Open Telemetry (with Zipkin exporter) tracing.


OpenTelemetry provides a single, open source standard and a set of technologies to capture and export metrics, traces, and logs (in the future) from your cloud-native applications and infrastructure.

OpenTelemetry provides you with:

  • A single, vendor-agnostic instrumentation library per language with support for both automatic and manual instrumentation.
  • A single collector binary that can be deployed in a variety of ways including as an agent or gateway.
  • An end-to-end implementation to generate, emit, collect, process and export telemetry data.
  • Full control of your data with the ability to send data to multiple destinations in parallel through configuration.
  • Open-standard semantic conventions to ensure vendor-agnostic data collection
  • The ability to support multiple context propagation formats in parallel to assist with migrating as standards evolve.
  • A path forward no matter where you are on your observability journey. With support for a variety of open-source and commercial protocols, format and context propagation mechanisms as well as providing shims to the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects, it is easy to adopt OpenTelemetry.

OpenTelemetry is not an observability back-end like Jaeger or Prometheus. Instead, it supports exporting data to a variety of open-source and commercial back-ends. It provides a pluggable architecture so additional technology protocols and formats can be easily added.

Application Insights

Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. Use it to monitor your live applications. It will automatically detect performance anomalies, and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

Health checks

Health checks are usually used with an external monitoring service or container orchestrator to check the status of an app.

Kubernetes users liveness, readiness and startup probes to more effectively manage the cluster:

  • The kubelet uses liveness probes to know when to restart a container. For example, liveness probes could catch a deadlock, where an application is running, but unable to make progress. Restarting a container in such a state can help to make the application more available despite bugs.
  • The kubelet uses readiness probes to know when a container is ready to start accepting traffic. A Pod is considered ready when all of its containers are ready. One use of this signal is to control which Pods are used as backends for Services. When a Pod is not ready, it is removed from Service load balancers.
  • The kubelet uses startup probes to know when a container application has started. If such a probe is configured, it disables liveness and readiness checks until it succeeds, making sure those probes don't interfere with the application startup. This can be used to adopt liveness checks on slow starting containers, avoiding them getting killed by the kubelet before they are up and running.

Common project from this PoC contains all needed pieces to add health checks to an ASP.NET application.

  1. Add basic check: add .AddSelfCheck() after services.AddHealthChecks()
  2. Also add checks for dependencies of your app. For example, here's check that calls health check one some other REST endpoint, and another one that verifies redis instance is up:
.AddUrlGroup(new Uri("http://mymicroservice:80/readiness"), name: "backendapi-check")
.AddRedis(redisConnectionStr, name: "redis-check")
  1. Expose health checks: In app.UseEndpoints add endpoints.MapHealthChecks() this will expose liveness check that verifies that app is running, and readiness check that accumulates all configured health checks.

You can also quickly create an application that would monitor health of all your services. See HealthCheckUI project for reference.

Feature management

Traditionally, shipping a new application feature requires a complete redeployment of the application itself. Testing a feature often requires multiple deployments of the application. Each deployment may change the feature or expose the feature to different customers for testing.

Feature management is a modern software-development practice that decouples feature release from code deployment and enables quick changes to feature availability on demand. It uses a technique called feature flags (also known as feature toggles, feature switches, and so on) to dynamically administer a feature's lifecycle.

Common project from this PoC contains all needed pieces to add feature management to an ASP.NET application.

  1. (optional) Add your Azure App Configuration endpoint in .env file.
  2. Add feature management SDK: In Startup.ConfigureServices add services.AddAzureFeatureManagement().
  3. Connect to Azure App Configuration. In Program.cs add .AddAzureFeatureManagement() right after Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args).
  4. Add middleware to refresh feature flags values: In Strtup.Configure add app.UseAzureFeatureManagement().