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PromptParse npm version

"All-in-one JS library for PromptPay & EMVCo QR Codes"

No dependency & Cross-platform. You can use it anywhere (Node.js, Deno, Bun), even in the browser!


  • Parse — PromptPay & EMVCo QR Code data strings into object
  • Generate — QR Code data from pre-made templates (for example: PromptPay AnyID, PromptPay Bill Payment, TrueMoney, etc.)
  • Manipulate — any values from parsed QR Code data (for example: transfer amount, account number) and encodes back into QR Code data
  • Validate — checksum and data structure for known QR Code formats (for example: Slip Verify API Mini QR)


Parsing data and get value from tag

import { parse } from 'promptparse'

// Example data
const ppqr = parse('000201010211...')

// Get Value of Tag ID '00'
ppqr.getTagValue('00') // Returns '01'

Build QR data and append CRC tag

import { encode, tag, withCrcTag } from 'promptparse'

// Example data
const data = [
  tag('00', '01'),
  tag('01', '11'),
  // ...

// Set CRC Tag ID '63'
withCrcTag(encode(data), '63') // Returns '000201010211...'

Generate PromptPay Bill Payment QR

import { billPayment } from 'promptparse/generate'

const payload = billPayment({
  billerId: '1xxxxxxxxxxxx',
  amount: 300.0,
  ref1: 'INV12345',

// TODO: Create QR Code from payload

Validate & extract data from Slip Verify QR

import { slipVerify } from 'promptparse/validate'

const data = slipVerify('00550006000001...')

if (!data) {
  console.error('Invalid Payload')

const { sendingBank, transRef } = data

// TODO: Inquiry transaction from Bank Open API

Convert BOT Barcode to PromptPay QR Tag 30 (Bill Payment)

import { parseBarcode } from 'promptparse'

const botBarcode = parseBarcode('|310109999999901\r...')

if (!botBarcode) {
  console.error('Invalid Payload')

const payload = botBarcode.toQrTag30()

// TODO: Create QR Code from payload

Use on browser via CDN

<script src=""></script>

  ;(function () {
    // Generate QR code payload (use function from "promptparse" global)
    const payload = promptparse.generate.trueMoney({
      mobileNo: '08xxxxxxxx',
      amount: 10.0,
      message: 'Hello World!',

    // Quick & dirty way to show QR Code image
      `<img src="${payload}">`,


See also


This project is MIT licensed (see