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Chat with any website using FastAPI, Next.js, and the latest LangChain version for seamless integration.


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Next.js + FastAPI: Chat with Your Website

This application facilitates a chatbot by leveraging Next.js as the frontend and FastAPI as the backend, utilizing the power of LangChain for dynamic web interactions.

Chatbot Interface

Features of the Hybrid App

  • Web Interaction via LangChain: Utilizes the latest LangChain version for effective interaction and information extraction from websites.
  • Versatile Language Model Integration: Offers compatibility with various models including GPT-4. Users can easily switch between models to suit their needs.
  • User-Friendly Next.js Frontend: The interface is intuitive and accessible for users of all technical backgrounds.

Operational Mechanics

The application integrates the Python/FastAPI server into the Next.js app under the /api/ route. This is achieved through next.config.js rewrites, directing any /api/:path* requests to the FastAPI server located in the /api folder. Locally, FastAPI runs on, while in production, it operates as serverless functions on Vercel.

Setting Up the Application

  1. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  2. Create a .env file with your OpenAI API key:
  3. Start the development server:
    npm run dev
  4. Access the application at http://localhost:3000. The FastAPI server runs on

For backend-only testing:

conda create --name nextjs-fastapi-your-chat python=3.10
conda activate nextjs-fastapi-your-chat
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn api.index:app --reload

Maintaining Chat History (TODO List)

Options for preserving chat history include:

  • Global Variable: Simple but not ideal for scalability and consistency.
  • In-Memory Database/Cache: Scalable solutions like Redis for storing chat history.
  • Database Storage: Robust and persistent method, suitable for production environments.

Understanding RAG Algorithms

RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) enhances language models with context retrieved from a custom knowledge base. The process involves fetching HTML documents, splitting them into chunks, and vectorizing these chunks using embedding models like OpenAI's. This vectorized data forms a vector store, enabling semantic searches based on user queries. The retrieved relevant chunks are then used as context for the language model, forming a comprehensive response to user inquiries.

Implementing Context Retrieval

The get_vectorstore_from_url function extracts and processes text from a given URL, while get_context_retriever_chain forms a chain that retrieves context relevant to the entire conversation history. This pipeline approach ensures that responses are contextually aware and accurate.

Inspiration and References