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The goal of this program is to create art by using physics and mathematics.

It uses the OpenCV C++ library to create images.

Structure of the C++ sources files

All the C++ source files are in the directory src.

  • main.cpp main.cpp with the main definition.
  • includes contains includes included in every C++ file.
  • algorithm contains algorithms I made.
  • data contains stuff for storing and using various data, the classes Point and Array and the namespace Math.


Here is the program usage:

    [-h | --help] [-u | --usage] [-L | --license]
    [{-o | --output} FILE]
    [{-w | --width} WDITH] [{-h | --height} HEIGHT] [{-s | --size} WIDTH HEIGHT]
    [--fps FPS] [{-l | --length} LENGTH]
    [{-psx | --point-sx} SX] [{-psy | --point-sy} SY]
    [{-pr | --point-radius} RADIUS] [{-pm | --point-mass} MASS]
    [{-pc | --point-color} R G B]

Warning: short options cannot be combined into one, for example '-o -s' is not '-os'.

Options description, with default value(s) in brackets:

  -h, --help      Show the help for this program.
  -u, --usage     Show a shorter help message.
  -L, --license   Show the license.

  -o, --output FILE         Write the video to FILE. [./out.avi]
  -w, --width WIDTH         Set the video width. [1920]
  -h, --height HEIGHT       Set the video height. [1080]
  -s, --size WIDTH HEIGHT   Set the video width and height. [1920] [1080]
  --fps FPS                 Set the frames per seconds. [10]
  -l, --length LENGTH       Set the number of frames in the video. [300]

  -psx, --point-sx SX          Set the x points speed at start. [0]
  -psy, --point-sy SY          Set the y points speed at start. [0]
  -pr, --point-radius RADIUS   Set the points radius. [1]
  -pm, --point-mass MASS       Set the points mass. [10]
  -pc, --point-color R G B     Set the points color (decimal). [255 255 255]


Everything should work as expected. I already said that but this time I've checked.

I have a new problem (not really important but really strange)


To build the project, you must have CMake, a C++ compiler and OpenCV at least 4.5.5 installed.

When the dependencies are installed, you have 2 choices:

  1. Run my shell script which do everything for you:


    It creates the cmake configuration files in build/ then build the project.

    The produced executables are also put in build/:

  2. Run yourself the commands to build the project:

    cd '<directory where CMake will put the files>'
    cmake '<path to the root directory of the repo>'
  3. You can remove the files created by CMake and my program with the script



If you have cppcheck installed, the configuration file is project.cppcheck. The directory cppcheck.d will contains the produced files. I made a small script to use it from command line:

./ [optionnal arguments for cppcheck]`