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Sven Dolderer edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 13 revisions

Simple example report

This is an example containing only one "red" finding - so easy to understand.

HTML variant

With SecHub release 0.20.0 two new features were introduced into the html report. You can find the direct link to the CWE MITRE article of the corresponding CWE-Id within the Type column. This can help you with learning more about the corresponding security finding. In the Description column you can now expand the whole callstack analog to the callstack within the JSON report.
HTML report

JSON variant

JSON report (source formatted)
The JSON report will be extended in future, but always be downward compatible.

"Real life" report examples

Here is a real output from an older SecHub scan (scanned itself):

The scan was done with SecHub server V0.20.0

Azure Devops integration example

Scan With Sechub Client

You can run the SecHub Client in synchronous and asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode your build will break if it isn’t "green" (sechub scan). Whereat in asynchronous mode it will not break your CI/CD pipeline (sechub scanAsync).

Before running the sechub scan.yaml file make sure that you have sechub client installed in your pipeline:

   - task: Bash@3
            displayName: Install Sechub scanner
              targetType: inline
              script: |
                cd /tmp
                CLIENT_VERSION=$(curl -s | grep | awk -F '-' '{print $NF}' | sed 's/.zip">//')
                curl -L -o$CLIENT_VERSION-client/sechub-cli-$
                sudo cp platform/linux-amd64/sechub /usr/local/bin

Run the SecHub client:

- name: azureServiceConnection
  type: string

- task: AzureKeyVault@2
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.azureServiceConnection }}
    KeyVaultName: "your keyvault name"
    SecretsFilter: "sechub-token" //add your sechub-apitoken as secret "sechub-token" in the keyvault
    RunAsPreJob: false

- task: Bash@3
  displayName: Run Sechub Scan
    targetType: inline
    script: |
      export SECHUB_APITOKEN=$(sechub-token)
      export SECHUB_USERID="your userid"
      export SECHUB_SERVER="sechub server url"
      CONFIG_FILE_PATH="path to 'sechub.json'"
      sechub -configfile $CONFIG_FILE_PATH -reportformat html scan
      mkdir -p $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/scan-reports
      mv *.html $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/scan-reports
      Sechub-Token: $(sechub-token)

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
  displayName: Publish Sechub Scan Reports
    PathtoPublish: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/scan-reports
    artifactName: 'sechub-scan-reports'

For details to the SecHub configuration file please see SecHub configuration.

Jenkins integration example

A working example of a Jenkinsfile can be found within the SecHub project in the continous-integration-multibranch-pipeline.jenkins file.

For the documentation of the SecHub client please refer to SecHub Client.

Scan with SecHub Client

You can run the SecHub Client in synchronous and asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode your build will break if it isn’t "green" (sechub scan). Whereat in asynchronous mode it will not break your CI/CD pipeline (sechub scanAsync).

Run the SecHub client within your source folder with parameters and default named sechub.json file:

stage('Security scan') {
  // set the environment variables within the scan-stage
  environment {
     SECHUB_USERID = credentials('sechub-userid')
     SECHUB_APITOKEN = credentials('sechub-api-token')
     SECHUB_SERVER= credentials('sechub-server')
  steps {
    script {
      sh "sechub -project ${projectName} scan"

Or provide a configuration file (JSON) as parameter:

sh "sechub -configfile otherconfig.json scan"

For details to the SecHub configuration file please see SecHub configuration.