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Data on names, job titles and salary for Nevada public employees, by agency.

About this dataset

The original data is provided by NPRI as a public service. I've downloaded the raw csv files for the 105 Nevada government agencies that reported salary information for FY 2016 and they can be found in the Input folder. The result is the output file all-nevada-2016.csv. Note: there's also a version with a column added for employee gender available here.

Output dimensions

File Total Rows Total Columns Columns
all-Nevada-2016.csv 146,662 12 Employee.Name, Job.Title, Base.Pay, Overtime.Pay, Other.Pay, Benefits, Total.Pay, Total.PayBenefits, Year, Notes, Agency, Status

Exploration ideas

  • Which agencies are the largest and gets paid the most?
  • What are the employee compensation costs per resident by cities and county in Southern Nevada?

To merge select agency files in R

If you want to merge select agencies but not all:

# Set working directory to where the select CSV files have been stored

# Get file list
listfiles <- list.files(pattern="csv")

# Read all csv files and create a list of dataframes
allfiles <-  lapply(listfiles, read.csv)

# Combine each dataframe in the list into a single dataframe
salary <- , allfiles)

# Rename columns
names(salary)[8] <- "Total.PayBenefits"

# Change class as needed
sapply(salary, class)

cols.num <- c("Base.Pay","Overtime.Pay","Other.Pay","Benefits")
salary[cols.num] <- sapply(salary[cols.num],as.numeric)
sapply(salary, class)

# Output
write.csv(salary, "all-nevada-2016.csv")


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