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Berges Yannick edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the mod_flexiadmin wiki!

Welcome to the mod_flexiadmin wiki!

Admin module for flexicontent (joomla j3 only) Think to publish it in cpanel position after installation.

Action button to view management by tabs :

  • manage item
  • manage categorie
  • manage field
  • manage tags
  • manage type
  • manage file
  • manage stats
  • manage author
  • manage group
  • manage index view

Custom Action button link generation

  • adding "type button" (you can add 10 button with specific type and specific category)
  • adding "categorie button" (you can add 10 button to list items with specific category filter)
  • adding "edit item button (you can add 10 button to edit item directly)

Block list of content :

  • pending list
  • revised list
  • draft list
  • in progress list
  • user item list

Custom Block list of content :

  • You can create 10 blocks of content list with filtering category
  • You can load flexicontent field in table display

Free buttons :

  • 10 free buttons with custom url
  • bootstrap icons selector