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v3 to v4 migration

Vishwac Sena Kannan edited this page Jun 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

Current V3 solution

V3 emulator remembers the list of endpoints, appID, pwd as well as default locale information V3 emulator is set up to automatically update to the latest Emulator release and does so using

  • The built in auto-update mechanism in Electron
  • Emulator checks for update availability on first app launch, if an update is found downloads and queues it up for installation.
  • New version is picked up when user restarts the application.

Current V4 solution

V4 also uses auto-updates between V4 versions but does not support V3 -> V4 automatic updates.

V3 -> V4 auto-updates and migrations

Auto-update from V3 -> V4

  • Once V4 hits stable release, the check for updates functionality in V3 Emulator should detect updates availability to V4.
  • The update check must always find the latest V4 version available.
  • When auto-updating from V3 -> V4, the updater should migrate the MRU bot endpoints list as below -
    • A new bot file for each endpoint found in the V3 MRU list
    • Save the bot file(s) under %EMULATOR_INSTALL_PATH%\migration folder
    • Each bot file is named as -
      • for localhost endpoints in the V3 MRU
      • for remote endpoints in the V3 MRU
    • Pre-populate the "My bots" section with the list of new bot files created
    • On V4 first launch, present Emulator V4 overview doc page that includes
      • Walkthrough of new features in the V4 Emulator
      • Provide an overview of the .bot files that were automatically created and how developers can consolidate the endpoints into meaningful bot file structure

Manual upgrade from V3 -> V4

  • Until V4 stable release, users can manually install the V4 emulator and it will sit side-by-side with the V3 Emulator.
  • Post V4 stable release, manual installation of V4 on machines that already have V3 will perform migration listed under the auto-update section.