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Any Time Flix Backend

Node.js and Express backend for the Any Time Flix webapp.

What it includes

  • Axios for API calls to (The Movie Database)
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) for user sessions
  • Passport and passport-local for authentication
  • Passwords that are hashed with BCrypt
  • Verbose Console Logs to track application activity

Local Installation Instructions

1 Fork and clone repo on GitHub and your system respectively
2 In your terminal, navigate to the folder for your cloned repo
3 Install the dependencies listed inside of package.json by running:
*npm install
5 Set up a mongoDB database. Instructions on installing and setting up MongoDB are beyond the scope of this README, follow instructions here.
6 Set up an API account at
7 Create or open you /.env file and make sure the following lines are inside it:

TMDB_API_KEY= (your API key from TMDB goes here)
MONGODB_URI= (your connection url for your database goes here)
JWT_SECRET= (this can be any string of characters you want to use, no spaces)

8 Load the server by running


9 If the installation and startup was sucessful, you should see the following in your terminal.
(note: port number may vary depending on your settings, but will default to 8000)

[nodemon] starting node app.js
Connected Any Time Flix server to PORT: 8000
Connected to Any Time Flix database

Database Models

Data Data Type Notes
id Integer Serial Primary Key, Auto-generated
firstName String Required
lastName String Required
userName String Optional
city String Optional
state String Optional
country String Optional
email String Required Unique
password String Required
bio String Optional
profilePicture image url Optional
ratings Array see below
watched Array see below
watchList Array see below
liked Array see below
disliked Array see below
playlists Array see below
createdAt Date Auto-generated
updatedAt Date Auto-generated

playlist contains an array of objects with two values

Data Data Type Notes
name String name of playlist
videos Array array of movies using schema below

ratings, watched, watchlist, liked, disliked, and playlists in playlist data are all arrays with the following schema
all data is from TMDB

Data Data Type Notes
id String id of movie
original_title String title of movie
poster_path String url of movie poster image
overview String synopsis of movie
rating Number user rating of film (exclusive to ratings object)



Method Path Location Purpose
GET / app.js Test if server is running. Returns a json message to browser window.


Method Path Location Purpose
GET /test users.js Test if server is running and if users controller is working. Returns a json message to browser window.
POST /signup users.js Create a new user using data supplied by req.body.params, create empty arrays for user playlists, and hash their password before storing it in database
POST /login users.js Login user using email and password. Return a token, success (boolean of true), loginData (object with {id (id from db), email (accounts Email), iat (initialized at), exp (expires at)}) and userData which contains object of users data from db.
PUT /:id users.js Find the user in the db based on id, update their info based on the request body, and return the updatedUser
DELETE /id users.js Find the user in the db based on id, remove users data, and return a status 200 and a message
PUT /addToList/:listName/:id users.js add the object from to the list determined by req.params.listName, and returns the updatedUser
PUT /removeFromList/:listName/:id users.js , remove the object from from the list determined by req.params.listName, and returns the updatedUser
GET /refreshData/ users.js Fetch user data and return to client
GET /updateTokenExpiration/ users.js Reset the expiration timeout on token


Method Path Location Purpose
GET /test movies.js Test if server is running and if TMDB-api controller is working. Return a json message to browser window.
GET /search/:query/:page movies.js Takes req.params.query and returns a list of 20 movies that match the query. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /movie/:id movies.js Fetch a single movie using The ID is a number that is returned with any movies data. This call also appends credits, videos, and images to the results via the append_to_response parameter
GET /movie/:id/recommendations/:page movies.js Fetch a list of movies recommended because of the given movie id. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /popular/:page movies.js Fetch the results from the popular endpoint. This list is generated by TMDB. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /now-playing/:page movies.js Fetch the results from the now-playing endpoint. This list is generated by TMDB. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /upcoming/:page movies.js Fetch the results from the upcoming endpoint. This list is generated by TMDB. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /top-rated/:page movies.js Fetch the results from the top-rated endpoint. This list is generated by TMDB. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /genre/movie/list movies.js Fetch a list of all genres used on TMDB for movies.
GET /discover/year/:year/:page movies.js Fetch a list of movies released in the year passed in req.params.year. Results are sorted by vote_count.desc (vote count descending) to display the most popular movies first. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /discover/genre/:genre/:page movies.js Fetch a list of movies in the given genre passed in req.params.genre. Results are sorted by vote_count.desc (vote count descending) to display the most popular movies first. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.
GET /discover/rating/:rating/:page movies.js Fetch a list of movies in the given rating passed in req.params.rating. rating is used to calculate ratingTop (upper limit) and ratingBottom (lower limit) so all movies should be included. Results are sorted by vote_count.desc (vote count descending) to display the most popular movies first. page is 1 by default, but can be incremented clientside to fetch additional results.

Application File Structure

├── config
│   └── config.json
|    └── passport.js
├── controllers
│   └── movies.js
|   └── users.js
├── models
│   └── index.js
│   └── user.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── resources
│   └── wireframe_douglas.png
├── test
│   └── app.test.js
│   └── movies.test.js
│   └── users.test.js
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── app.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json

Development Notes

User Stories

* As a user, I want to search for movies by title, genre, or actor so that I can find movies I'm interested in watching.
* As a user, I want to create a watchlist where I can save movies I intend to watch in the future.
* As a user, I want to see detailed information about a movie, including its plot, release date, cast, and crew.
* As a user, I want to receive personalized movie recommendations based on my viewing history and preferences.
* As a user, I want to rate and review movies I've watched to share my opinions with the community and help others discover good films.
* As a user, I want to create and manage custom playlists or collections of movies so that I can easily access my favorite films.
* As a user, I want to receive notifications or updates about new releases, upcoming movies, or events related to my favorite actors or genres.
* As a user, I want to have the option to connect my social media accounts to share my movie activities with friends or followers.
* As a user, I want to have a seamless and user-friendly experience on both desktop and mobile devices to access Any Time Flix from anywhere.
* As a user, I want to be able register and I will have an account.
* As a user, I want to be able to login from time to time to check my account and update my information
* As a user, when I log into the account, I want to be able to search for any movie
* As a user, when I log into the account, I want to see my name, my username, my city, state, country, my bio, my profilepicture, /my playlist, my watched, my ratings
* As a user, when I search for a movie I want to see the movie picture, movie title, trailer, ratings, description, genre,release /year, parental guideline rating.
* As a user, I want to be able to add a movie to my playlist
* As a user, I want to access my playlist at anytime. I want to be able to save for later, see the high rated movies by IMBD

