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Releases: mikesiers/DataCost

Release 1.07

08 Aug 11:30
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Changes Since the Last Release

  • is now included in the root directory. This has been tested locally to allows users to import datacost by writing 'import datacost'.

Package name change

08 Aug 10:46
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Changes Since Last Release

  • Changed the package name to 'dc1' to represent datacost version1. This means that users import datacost by writing 'from dc1 import datacost'.

Release 1.05

08 Aug 07:23
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Changes Since Last Release

Fixed a problem which caused users to lack the ability to import the module.

Release 1.04

08 Aug 07:07
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Changes Since Last Release

Due to an error in the file, the module was being setup as a package. This meant that one would have to write 'import datacost.datacost' to import the module. This has been fixed so that users can write 'import datacost'.

Release 1.03

08 Aug 02:03
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Changes Since Last Release

Last release claimed to have fixed a bug for module imports. However, the imports were still not being performed as expected. The module name was incorrect and could only be imported after installation by 'import src'. This has been fixed and should now be able to import correctly using 'import datacost'.

Release 1.02

07 Aug 23:38
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Changes Since Last Release

  • Fixed a critical error where users could not import the module.

Release 1.01

31 Jul 04:30
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What's been added since 1.0:

  • total_cost function.

Release 1.0

08 Jul 01:09
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Initial release. Basic cost-based data measurements are supported. TDD (unittest) has been used to ensure that the functions produce the correct results. Documentation has also been generated using pydoc.