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Module to simplify PowerShell installations


Invoke-Install is inspired by PSDeploy and Invoke-Build but rather then using a specific script language/format it just uses Powershell scripts and runs them. Imaging you have an application which comes with several independent services/modules/apis and all of them somehow need to be installed. Rather then having one large installation script for all services/modules/apis you will create independet *.install.ps1 files which all will complete an independent installation.

Invoke-Install comes with special Modules for more complicated tasks so that anything what needs to be done is a one liner.

The idea is that any *.install.ps1 is plain simple and straight forward understandable, they should not contain functions or a lot of switches or if, loops.


Install-Module Invoke-Install


Execute the following command to runn all *.install.ps1 files within the same directory

Invoke-Install .

or specify a specific *.install.ps1 to be used.

Invoke-Install MyApp.install.ps1

Check out the Examples in Examples/ to see what currently can be done with Invoke-Install. Feel free to contribute and add more Modules.

Release History

  • 1.10.3
    • CHANGE: Added some logging before and after executing a script including execution time
  • 1.10.2
    • CHANGE: Create-IISApplication got renamed to New-IISApplication as Create is a not allwoed verb in powershell
  • 1.10.1
    • ADD: Create-IISApplication to add an IIS Applilcation to an existing site
    • ADD: Remove-IISApplication to remove an IIS Applilcation to an existing site
  • 1.9.1 ADD: Use-MicrosoftSqlServerDac is available external now as it is needed if DacDeployOptions need to be specified
  • 1.8.1 ADD: Set-IISSiteHSTS now supports IIS Versions lower 10 Build 1709, this way needs the URL Rewrite module
  • 1.7.2 CHANGE: Set-IISSiteHSTS, Parameters Enabled and MaxAge are not mandatory
  • 1.7.1
    • ADD: Use-IISAdministration loads the IISAdministration Module if it is not already loaded
    • ADD: Get-IISVersion gets the Version as System.Version Object from the installed IIS Server
    • ADD: Get-WindowsReleaseId gets the Windwos ReleaseId e.g. 1809
    • ADD: Set-IISSiteHSTS enables HSTS on a IIS Site
  • 1.6.1
    • ADD: Set-IISServerFarmServerAvailability to set the availability/state of a server within a server farm
  • 1.5.1
    • ADD: Set-IISAppPoolConfig to set some config parameters of AppPools
  • 1.4.1
    • ADD: Use-SqlServerModule to install and load the SqlServerModule
    • ADD: Update-SqlDatabase updates a sqldatabase using a dacpac file
    • ADD: Get-SqlUpdateScript generates a sql update script for a sqldatabase using a dacpac file
  • 1.3.1
    • ADD: Remove-IISServerFromServerFarm to remove on or more severs from a server farm
  • 1.2.1
    • CHANGE: Remove-IISWebsite has now a filter and exculde parameter to delete multiple items at once
    • CHANGE: Remove-IISApplicationPool has now a filter and exculde parameter to delete multiple items at once
  • 1.1.1
    • ADD: Get-ShortGUID, Get-FreePortFromRange, Remove-IISServerFarm, Add-IISServerToServerFarm, Set-IISServerFarmServerState, Set-IISServerFarmHealthCheck, Add-IISGlobalRouting, Add-WindowsHostsRecord, Remove-WindowsHostsRecord
    • ADD: IIS Server Farm sample
  • 1.0.1
    • First propper release


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We use SemVer for versioning.


  • Markus Mattes - Initial work - mmattes


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
