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Alen Siljak edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 7 revisions


  • General
    • Language: application language
    - User Name: set the user name - Date Format: Set the display format of the date - Base Currency: Set the base currency - Financial Year Start Day: Set the starting day (1-31) of the financial year - Month Financial Year Start: Set the starting month of the financial year - Schedule Check Repeating Transaction Overdue: Indicate what time of day the application should check if there are repeating transaction overdue (default 08:00)
  • Display
    • View open account: show only accounts that are open and hide the closed ones.
    • View favorite account: show only favorite accounts, hide all the others.
    • Show Transaction: Indicates the period for the transactions to be displayed in the transaction lists. This allows to speed up the display of data by reducing the number of transactions that are loaded from the database.
    • Show the balance for each transaction: Shows the account balance for each transaction. The display of balance could make the application slower.
    • Application Font: Select the font you want to use in the application.
    • Application Font Size: Select the font size you want to use in the application.
    • Theme: you can choose the theme of the application, including the Dark theme and the Light theme
  • Security
    • Active Passcode: you can activate passcode, with the introduction of the new passcode.
    • Edit Passcode: you can edit an existing passcode.
    • Disable Passcode: you can disable existing passcode, only whenever you enter your existing code.
  • Database
    • Path: path of the used database.
    • SQLite Version: shows the version of SQLite installed in Android
    • Move Database to External Storage: create a copy of used database into folder of External Storage.
  • Dropbox: See the pages dedicated to sync with Dropbox
  • Donate: if the application is to your liking, you can contribute by making a donation of € 1.50 to the development team.
  • Info: show version number of MoneyManagerEx for Android.
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