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Setup CloudRail

Alen Siljak edited this page Jul 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

MMEX for Android is using CloudRail technology which allows access to the four major cloud storage providers:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • OneDrive
  • Box

In order to synchronize with any of the available services, an initialization of the synchronization engine is required. The settings are located in the Settings / Synchronization.

The form is fairly intuitive and the order of actions flows from top to bottom. To enable synchronization, tap the check box on top.

Next, choose the provider you wish to use.

Then select the remote file you want to synchronize by tapping the Remote File option.

Once selected, the initial synchronization will trigger automatically and the remote file will be initially downloaded. The file is stored locally in the device's internal storage, in the folder named MoneyManagerEx/sync. This process will set your active database to the local file copy.

If, at a later stage, you want to use another database from the cloud, simply change the Remote File setting and this will download the selected file to the local storage and will set the newly selected database as the active one.

Quick switching between the databases (and their corresponding remote locations) is possible via the Open Database option in the navigation drawer.

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