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Ansible role for mongo-toolchain

Installs the mongo toolchain

GitHub Actions GitHub Actions


This role will use the /opt/mongodbtoolchain/toolchain_version file to determine whether to install a new toolchain or not.

The /opt/mongodbtoolchain/toolchain_version file will be created by this role with the user specified mongo_toolchain_sha as its contents.

The /opt/mongodbtoolchain/toolchain_version file only shows the latest toolchain that was installed on the host. It does not have any record of older toolchain installations.

If the version file and mongo_toolchain_sha match, the toolchain will not be downloaded.

If the versions don't match, the new toolchain will be downloaded to the /tmp directory and then moved into the /opt/mongodbtoolchain/revisions directory. From there, the toolchain installation script is run.

This role will not delete existing mongo toolchains.


Issue when testing on Docker for Mac: [docker/hub-feedback#727], you must download this version of Docker: Docker 18.06.0-ce and then set the Docker daemon storage-driver to aufs.

  "storage-driver" : "aufs"

You can change this setting via Preferences -> Daemon -> Advanced

ansible-role-toolchain must be up to date in your requirements.yml

- src: git+
  version: v1.1.0

Role Variables

Name Description Type Default Required
mongo_toolchain_sha SHA of the mongo toolchain you want to download string "" yes
mongo_toolchain_final_dest Location of the mongo toolchain string "/opt" no
mongo_toolchain_url Optional URL you can specify to download the mongo toolchain directly from string "" no
mongo_toolchain_delete_old_final_dest Specify whether to delete the old toolchain first before downloading the new one. This can be used to install a new toolchain on a host that has space restrictions. Do not use this on static hosts as it could leave the host without the old and new toolchain installed boolean false no
mongo_toolchain_evergreen_user User that will own the toolchain folder string "root" no
mongo_toolchain_distro_name If you need to override a distro name (ie. 'rhel81' instead of 'rhel8') string "" no


Depends on the mongodb-ansible-roles.ansible-role-toolchain role to download the archive

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: ansible-role-mongo-toolchain
        mongo_toolchain_sha: 1440f2ce9521f9756565ce4a9a45ee382414a80e


Testing this role locally requires the CircleCI Local CLI.

To install the CLI for macOS and Linux, invoke the following command:

$ curl -fLSs | DESTDIR=/usr/local/bin bash

After installing the CLI, invoke the following command to run the Molecule tests:

$ make test


Apache License