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Releases: monkeytypegame/monkeytype


08 Jun 19:57
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This is mostly a backend update, preparing the whole structure for the future. Hopefully nothing breaks! Lots of new features will now be possible and/or easier to implement thanks to these changes.

New features:

  • Added a button to restart the test with the same wordset. The results for repeated tests are not saved to the database.
  • Added an option to hide the notification dot from the discord icon.
  • The account icon will now turn into a loading icon to indicate when the website is waiting for a response from the server.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that would show the error points when hovering, even if the data was 0.
  • Fixed a bug where the graph labels would overlap.


  • Changed the way results are stored to improve performance and reduce the number of database reads.
  • To prepare for future features each user must have a unique username with no special characters. If you need to change your name you will receive a notification at the top of the screen.
  • You will now no longer be able to register without a username, with a username that includes invalid characters or that is a copy of another.
  • Moved completion to the server to include security. The website will no longer fully trust the client that the data is correct. The data is validated to make sure its in the correct format. This will help with leader boards in the future, but might introduce a delay between you completing a test and seeing it on the account page since the server must send a response if that test was valid.
  • Changed the way PB's are stored and moved them to the server - this speeds up the checking of personal bests, and increases security. To make the UI feel more snappy, a local copy of pbs is stored on the client, and then compared with the client when a response is received to make sure everything is alright.

Other changes and improvements:

  • Added 'og' tags, meaning that now you will see an image when you link monkey type to your friends.
  • Changed the way config is stored, and also made sure the config is reset to default when no data is found.
  • Removed 'send a message'. This worked well in the beginning, but didn't allow for me to respond to messages. Discord is a more efficient way of contacting me, and is now the only real way to do so.
  • The database snapshot that is taken when the website is first loaded is now in a different format. This allows for more data to be stored for future features.
  • Duration of incompleted tests is now stored in the database to make sure the 'estimated time typing' number is more accurate.
  • Removed 'signed in' notification.


05 Jun 00:26
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New features:

  • Added layout emulation. You can now choose between your default system layout, qwerty, colemak and dvorak. Thanks xZak!
  • Added a PB line to the result graph. You will now be able to visually see how close you were to beating your personal best.
  • Adde a button to quickly take a screenshot of the results page. This image is then auto-magically saved to your clipboard, so that you can quickly share it with the world.


  • Removed Korean and Chinese for now. Sadly they proved to be hard to implement for now. They might come back in a future update.
  • Added Portugese. Thanks chireia.


  • Added Monokai. Thanks LeSirH.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that would not allow the last word to be completed.
  • The favicon should now correctly change to match the selected theme. Thanks chireia!

Other changes and improvements:

  • The 'signed in' notification now goes away quicker.
  • Divided the settings page into groups.
  • Added an explanation of what is raw wpm in the about page.


03 Jun 17:13
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New features:

  • Added the ability to flip the test colors. Now you can make the future text brighter than the already typed text, if you prefer that.
  • Added layout emulation. Now you can emulate Dvorak and Colemak without having to change your layout in the system.


  • Rgb theme now has even more rgb.
  • Added Terminal.
  • Added Striker.
  • Added Gruvbox Light and Dark.
  • Added Taro. Thanks bhomie.
  • Adjusted 9009. Thanks bhomie.


  • Added Russian.
  • Replaced the special ’ from French text, and used ' instead.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the lines to not scroll up if the word jumped to the next line.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause users results to not be saved due to not setting the default value of difficulty and blind mode.
  • Fixed the footer being a bit too far away from the bottom of the page.
  • Increased the amount of initial words generated in the time mode to fill empty space.

Other changes and improvements:

  • Made the whole page a bit wider.
  • Added an error message if the result could not be saved to the database.
  • Changed the buttons to use the main color.
  • Disabled autocomplete on the input field.
  • Added a hover effect to the theme buttons on the settings page. Thanks bhomie.


31 May 15:00
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New features

  • Added raw display to the result chart.
  • Themes on the settings page are now sorted alphabetically. Thanks bhomie.
  • You now have the ability to hide the timer bar. Thanks iitsalex.


  • Added 9009, Botanical and Bingsu. Thanks bhomie.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would cause console errors while using blind mode.

Other changes and improvements

  • Made sure the whole word is highlighted in blind mode, no matter how long the input was.
  • Raw, wpm and acc are now stored in the database with 2 decimal places to prepare for leaderboards.
  • Removed some debug messages.
  • Made sure to set the default caret style.
  • Added a 'v' parameter to all js files to force your browsers to download the latest versions of the files - should fix some issues with people encountering console errors and their results not being saved.


30 May 20:54
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New features

  • Added blind mode. In this mode, you will not see any errors being highlighted, meaning you will not be distracted, and you can focus on your raw speed.
  • Added quick end. When this option is turned on, the test will end as soon as the number of letters are the same in the input and the last word, even if the input is not correct.
  • Added raw to the table on the account page.
  • You can now hover over the input history words (in the result page, after the test) to see what was your input. This means you can now find out what your typo was.


  • Reworked all the themes and made adding new themes a bit easier by adding more color variables.
  • Added Modern Dolch.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the account page would not load if the filtered results count is below 10.
  • Fixed the account page showing wrong results in the table.
  • Fixed a bug where the caret would remain flashing during the test.

Other changes and improvements

  • Made sure the input history in the result page shows the errors you made if blind mode is enabled


29 May 23:40
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New features

  • Added difficulty filters to the account page.
  • Added avg accuracy and avg accuracy over the last 10 tests to the account page.
  • Added raw, avg raw and avg raw over the last 10 tests to the account page.
  • Added estimated total time spent typing (overall and filtered) to the account page.


  • Added Miami Nights.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the crown to always be shown on the results page.
  • Made sure failing a test in master or expert mode counts towards attempted tests.
  • Fixed the caret being invisible to new users, or where no config is stored.
  • Fixed the performance issue on the account page by only loading 10 lines of results in the table. New results can be loaded 10 at a time by clicking the 'load more' button.

Other changes and improvements

  • Theme buttons on the settings page are now colored according to their respective theme (hover to preview has been disabled). This also means that the way themes are stored in the .json file has changed, requiring colors to be defined for those buttons.
  • Made sure to mention sass comilation in the readme to help new contributors.
  • Added shortcut icon.
  • Raw wpm is now sent to the database with the test results.


29 May 13:49
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Big update! Got some awesome features from our GitHub contributors! Dont forget to give them some love on the Discord server. And speaking of Discord servers - we've got so many new users, so good to see you all! We are very close to finishing up our bot, soon you will be able to sync your accouunt with discord for some cool features.

New features

  • Added a difficulty setting. You can now choose between normal, expert and master difficulties. Expert causes you to fail if you submit and incorrect word and Master fails if you press an incorrect key, meaning you have to achieve 100% accuracy. Hopefully we dont get a Graveyard biome.
  • Added caret options. You can now choose between line, block, outline block and underline. Thanks to bhomie on GitHub.
  • When typing long texts (or using a small window size) the text will now scroll to make sure your caret is always visible. Thanks to bhomie on GitHub.


  • Updated Bliss error colors to be more readable
  • Added Metaverse
  • Added Shadow, Mint and Miami. Thanks to Le-SirH on GitHub.
  • Added Miami Nights.
  • Fixed Metaverse not changing logo color on focus.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed raw wpm calculation
  • Fixed "context menu" appearing as text input
  • Config should no longer be reset to default values
  • Fixed a bug where the settings page would be displayed in two columns if the key tips were visible
  • Fixed the correct key count not including spaces

Other changes and improvements

  • Fixed font weight in the settings page being too thick
  • Changed the discord invite link
  • Changed the default config
  • Added a section on the word set in the about page
  • Reduced the maximum wpm to 350
  • Added some more stats to the to the result page. It will now show if you have failed the test, the test is invalid or afk was detected during the test.


28 May 00:15
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New features:

  • Redesigned the settings page to follow the style of the account page.
  • Added a new button to the results page, you can now see the input history (where you made mistakes, or missed keys).
  • Added mouse support to the command line


  • Added Mizu.
  • Added Olivia.
  • Added Bliss.
  • Changed the Rgb's error color to white so its more readable. Is anybody actually using this theme seriously?

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the error points on the chart would be squished to the left.
  • Fixed a bug where the account page would not show up.
  • Fixed a bug where the letter I would show up when punctuation mode is disabled. I think i "fixed" this one like 3 times already.
  • Fixed a bug where the caret would animate to the next line even if smooth caret was disabled.
  • Fixed double words appearing in time mode

Other changes and improvements:

  • Removed the unnecessary legend from the account page chart.
  • Reduced the weight of the sections titles in the about page.
  • Doubled the afk timeout to 4 seconds
  • Changed the behaviour of the Esc key when command line is active. Now, if you are inside a sub menu, pressing Esc will go back to the previous menu.
  • Added back the support section.


26 May 17:53
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Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where clicking the discord link would break the website
  • Fixed a bug where only one line would appear in time mode
  • Capital "i" should no longer appear when punctuation is disabled

Other features and improvements:

  • Added time display to the test results page
  • Added raw wpm display to the test results page
  • Added a trendline to the account chart
  • Added an error on the account page when the filters causes no results found
  • Errors are now shown as X points on the chart instead of a smooth line


24 May 22:23
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Whoa! Two updates in a day? And this one is a major one? Awesome! This one includes the new account page, which includes some advanced filters for you to play around with, that will allow you to easily understand your habits and track your progress in different test types.

New features

  • New account page. You can filter your results by any combination of different parameters. Want to see your results, top wpm, average wpm and more only for spanish test, where you typed 50 words with punctuation on? Now you can do that.

Other features and improvements

  • Changed the message on the test results after afk was detected to be more descriptive
  • Made sure the buttons on the settings page are not staying 'pressed'

Bug fixes

  • Made sure to only set focus off if its already on
  • Safari no longer turns focus off when pressing modifier keys
  • Fixed a bug where afk detection would ignore backspace