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Environment Variables

Lluis Sanchez edited this page Feb 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

MonoDevelop allows its behavior the be changed by several Environment variables. Some of those will come in handy when developing new MonoDevelop addins or when using a parallel MonoDevelop install.


    • Default value: UpToWarn
    • Possible Values
      • None
      • All
      • Fatal
      • Error
      • Warn
      • Debug
      • UpToFatal
      • UpToError
      • UpToWarn
      • UpToInfo
      • UpToDebug

This variable allows to change the level of details that are logged into the console.

    • Default value: false
    • Possible Values
      • true
      • false

If true, messages logged in the console will be colored according to their severity.

    • Default value: not set
    • Possible Value: a filename

If set, all log messages will be appended to the specified file.

    • Default value: UpToInfo
    • Possible Values

This variable allows to change the level of details that are logged using the file logger.

Additional Debug Information

    • Default value: not set
    • Possible Value: anything (doesn't matter), eg: "true"

When this variable is set, exceptions generated inside a dispatched method will also log their stacktrace.


    • Default value: ~/.config/MonoDevelop

This variable allows to override the location of the addin repository. This is especially useful when working with a parallel MonoDevelop install, to completely seperate all addins so they can't override each other.