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Releases: moscajs/aedes-persistence-redis

Release 10.0.0

21 Aug 14:42
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BREAKING CHANGE: For users using this module with CLUSTERS the db schema has changed for retained messages. There is a migration available in migrations.js named from9to10 that can be used to move all db to the new format. Also, if you are passing a conn to options (that is using clusters) now you also have to set cluster : true in options. To make this change back compatibile and faster in non cluster envs that option is used in order to use a different set of operations that only works in cluster envs

Release 9.0.2

16 Jan 15:02
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  • fix: added 9 fallback to 8 regarding subsciption parse (#108) (6d2d86a)
  • fix: wills table de duplicate (#104) (f53ed12)

Release 9.0.1

08 Jul 14:43
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  • fix: subscriptions not read correctly on startup (#100) (8448baf)
  • fix: invalid client id in test.js (#99) (af20fea)

Release 9.0.0

20 May 14:44
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  • feat: bump deps and sanitize clientId in redis keys (#96) (5bdd2aa)
  • chore: modernize to ES6 (#95) (b8b534a)
  • chore: update CI to Node 14, 16 and 18 (#94) (2c8e2e6)

Release 8.0.1

22 Apr 10:01
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  • fix: broken tests (#93) (4c2ea89)
  • fix: don't clear packet TTL on outgoingUpdate (#91) (65c9618)
  • chore: bump snazzy from 8.0.0 to 9.0.0 (#79) (9cc9864)

Release 8.0.0

29 Sep 09:43
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  • refactor: use cluster instead of clusters (9761c09)
  • docs: clusters (b35c1d5)
  • chore(ci): drop node 8, added node 14 to matrix (fc3105f)
  • chore(deps): Bumped deps (561a77b)
  • feat: external connection and clusters (de3fba9)
  • chore: bump release-it from 13.7.1 to 14.0.3 (#75) (0295955)
  • chore: bump through2 from 3.0.2 to 4.0.1 (#72) (ed674da)
  • Bump deps and fix action (#69) (9becb63)
  • Bump mqtt from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0 (#67) (0de9ad2)
  • Bump release-it from 12.6.3 to 13.5.6 (#68) (1f249a9)
  • Fix ci badge (#64) (c0006bb)

Release 7.0.0

28 Feb 16:27
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03 Nov 09:00
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Bumped v6.0.1


18 Jul 07:56
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  • Updated dependencies, dropped Node 4 support.


21 Aug 07:55
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