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File metadata and controls

77 lines (63 loc) · 3.32 KB


A document archiver, analyzes pdfs, categories, dates. Allows easy searching of document storage.

Initially never intended for public consumption, so the code quality is somewhat lacking. But given how many people who've asked me about this during the years, I figured I'd put it up there for the rest of the world to use.

Have fun! (and feel free to improve it)


This is a very quick-n-dirty description of getting this system up and running. Hopefully all the steps are here, if not, let me know.


  • apt-get install tesseract-ocr Tesseract Optical Character Recognition, the brains of the system
  • apt-get install zbar-tools QR code detection Allows us to detect the splitter page
  • apt-get install imagemagick Image manipulation Needed to prepare the PDFs for tesseract
  • apt-get install pdftk PDF toolkit, is able to split/merge PDFs
  • apt-get install mysql-server Storage of all data
  • apt-get install apache2 Runs the website
  • apt-get install php5 Allows the logic to run, ties into apache2 if installed in this order
  • apt-get install php5-mysql Enables use of MySQL from PHP5
  • apt-get install inotify-tools Allows the script to detect folder changes


Create a new database in MySQL, for example, "lagerdox" and make sure to add a new user who can access it. For example: mysql -u root -p, create database lagerdox; grant all on lagerdox.* to lagerdox@localhost identified by "password";

Next, import the file create_database.sql into the new database you created in MySQL. For example: mysql -u lagerdox -p lagerdox < setup/create_database.sql

To make things smoother, a new user and group is preferable, for example: addgroup lagerdox and adduser --system --ingroup lagerdox lagerdox

This also means that the apache user must have access to the group, like so: usermod -a -G lagerdox www-data

You'll need to edit both www/includes/config.php and the scripts/ since the first one points out database access and other things (most paths should be correct if you're using Ubuntu 14.04 or later) and the later script needs to know where to look for incoming data.

The www folder can easily be symlinked into wherever you want it, I run it as the /var/www/html folder on my setup to keep it simple. The easiest way of accomplishing this is by moving html out of the way and symlink the www folder into it's place (so /var/www/html points to .../lagerdox/www ).

Try browsing to your new website, if everything seems OK (try creating a dummy catgeory to see read/write access), then you're ready to start using the system. Should the page come up blank, you most likely forgot to restart apache2 after adding the mysql module to PHP.

Unfortunately, there is no init script yet for the script, so you'll need to run that manually for now (I use screen to make that happen). There is no good reason why it couldn't be run from a init script, so feel free to improve it.

Anyway, to get the monitor started, just issue: sudo -u lagerdox scripts/, it's sudo because the rights might be messed up otherwise.

If fails, it's usually due to permission issues, remember that the user must have write permissions in the directory which holds incoming documents, or it will not be able to move pdfs out of that folder.