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This project contains a basic processor implemented using a DE1 Terasic FPGA Board and Quartus.

  • ProcessorSource - Contains the source code of the processor, including VGA, PS2 Keyboard and Sound controllers.

  • OperativeSystemSource - Contains the source code of the simple operative system used on our processor, which allows for multi-user code execution.

  • DemoLED - A basic multi-user test demo done for our processor, tests the correct context switch using the Hex displays and the LEDs from the DE1 Board.

  • DemoFibonacci&CharRace - Multi-user demo for our processor, tests the correct context switch using Fibonacci as the first user code (using HexDisplays and Keys) and a Character Race as the second user code (uses the VGA display).

All of the code and documentation is commented on Catalan, as this project was done at UPC BarcelonaTech.