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Instructor setup

This file contains instructions for instructors to create all of the resources used during the workshop.


  • Run ./batect -f aws.yml login_aws to set up the AWS credentials - this will overwrite your local AWS config

  • Run ./batect -f aws.yml setup-terraform to get your terraform environment ready

  • Run ./batect -f aws.yml apply-terraform to set up the AWS environment for a service mesh

Install Istio

  • Run ./batect -f aws.yml install-istio to install Istio and deploy the Bookinfo Application

  • Run ./batect -f aws.yml shell to open a shell inside the cluster

  • Run ./batect -f aws.yml destroy-terraform to destroy the environment



  • Create a resource group called 'terraform-service-mesh'
  • Within that resource group, create a storage account in Azure to hold the TF state file e.g. <yourname>stgterra1
  • Create a container inside the storage account called 'tfstate'
  • Set up an environment variable AZURE_TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT with a unique name like <yourname>stgterra1
  • Set up an environment variable AZURE_PREFIX with your name
    • (Optional) Install direnv, and setup a .envrc file to hold the env var.
      • brew install direnv
      • EXPORT AZURE_TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=<yourname>stgterra1
      • EXPORT AZURE_PREFIX=<yourname>


  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml login_azure to set up the Azure credentials.

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml setup-terraform to get your terraform environment ready. This will connect to a storage account and container. See cluster/azure/terraform-service-mesh.arm for a template to create in your personal azure subscription.

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml apply-terraform to setup the cluster

Install Istio

Install Istio

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml install-istio to install Istio and deploy the Bookinfo Application

    • n.b. If you get asked to override your kubeconfig file, press y and enter

    • If no Ip address appears at the end of the istio install, type this commmand in your terminal: kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}

    • Then make your way to <yourIPAddres>/productpage

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml shell to open a shell inside the cluster

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml destroy-terraform to destroy the environment

Browse k8s

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml browse-aks

Azure stack with Pulumi


  • Set up an environment variable AZURE_TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT with a unique name like <yourname>stgterra1

  • Set up an environment variable AZURE_PREFIX with your name

    • (Optional) Install direnv, and setup a .envrc file to hold the env var.
      • brew install direnv
      • EXPORT AZURE_TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=<yourname>stgterra
      • EXPORT AZURE_PREFIX=<yourname>
  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml login_azure to set up the Azure credentials.

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml setup-azure-pulumi to setup the self managed backend to store the k8s state as well spin up the K8s cluster

    • n.b. You'll have to press enter through all the prompts except for the location. When it asks you for a location type in EastUS

      • Navigate to yes to perform update and press enter

Install Istio

Install Istio

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml pulumi-install-istio to install Istio and deploy the Bookinfo Application

    • n.b. If you get asked to override your kubeconfig file, press y and enter

    • If no Ip address is appears at the end of the install, type this commmand in your terminal: kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}

    • Then make your way to <yourIPAddres>/productpage

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml shell to open a shell inside the cluster

  • Run ./batect -f azure.yml destroy-azure-pulumi to destroy the environment and all resources



  • Google Cloud account
  • Update the following variables in batect.yml:
    • GOOGLE_BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID: ID of billing account to use for created resources (from
    • CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT: GCP project ID to use (will be created automatically if it doesn't exist). You'll need to update the instructions for attendees with this new project ID (global find and replace is the easiest way). You should use an isolated project to ensure that attendees aren't inadvertently granted access to resources in another project.
  • Update the attendee email addresses in attendees.txt.


Run once:

  • Run ./batect setup-gcp and follow the instructions to authenticate (you'll be prompted to authenticate twice, once for gcloud and again for Terraform)
  • Run ./batect setup-terraform to initialise Terraform

Run to create infrastructure and every time you want to update the infrastructure with your changes:

  • ./batect apply-terraform

Note: You may get errors relating to the cluster_node_version or cluster master version. To list the supported versions in GCP run gcloud container get-server-config --zone australia-southeast1. You then need to update the terraform

  • Confirm that you can access the cluster with:
./batect cluster-auth
  • Run to create and upload all artifacts used during exercises (eg. Docker images, Helm charts):

Install gsutil from and run:



Destroy all created resources with ./batect destroy-terraform, and optionally delete the project from the GCP console (note that you will not be able to re-use the project ID for 30 days).