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Releases: needle-mirror/com.unity.addressables


09 Aug 18:32
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[1.21.15] - 2023-08-03

  • Fixed an issue where using binary catalogs causes a crash on Android with ARM7.
  • DownloadDepedenciesAsync no longer loads asset bundles into memory
  • Fixed a bug where a GUI style was misspelled in the Editor and was recently fixed
  • Fixed an exception getting thrown in the Addressables Report when drilling into a bundle chain


26 Jun 15:07
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[1.21.14] - 2023-06-14

  • Fixed an issue where CleanBundleCache was giving an invalid handle error when Send Profiler Events was turned on
  • Fixed issue where provider data wasn't set for catalog downloads, so web request timeouts would default to 0 instead of the given value
  • Added the ability to manage Addressables labels from the asset inspector
  • Fixed an issue where the Addressables build cache would get cleared even if you pressed no in the popup window.
  • Optimised gc allocations with Addressables profiling module data transfer.
  • Fixed issue with binary catalog and asset bundle download redirect limit causing an error when set to -1 (default)
  • Fixed issue where player preferences for logging runtime exceptions weren't being compiled out using the Editor scripting define
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases sprites would not load properly when using a binary catalog


10 May 10:08
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[1.21.12] - 2023-05-04

  • Fixed issue with a potential race conditon when calling GetAssetBundle to load local files using WaitForCompletion
  • Fixed compiler error when using the profiler module on a noncaching platform.
  • Fixed issue where stack overflow occurs for http requests on Unity 2022.1+ when insecure requests are disallowed.
  • Added groups field to Inspector and move assets popup.
  • Fixed issue where sprite atlas cannot be assigned to an AssetReferenceAtlasedSprite.


11 Apr 15:07
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[1.21.10] - 2023-04-10

  • Fixed Addressables profiler not correctly displaying loaded Asset subObjects where a Asset was loaded due to a direct reference to one of its subObjects.
  • Fixed an issue where bundles built with the Append Hash to FIlename bundle naming option had strange interactions with the Prevent Updates option
  • Improved performance of BuildLayoutGenerationTask


14 Mar 09:09
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[1.21.9] - 2023-03-07

  • Removed code within WriteObjectToByteList that would never be reached
  • Fixed an issue where SceneOps would have update called on them twice per frame
  • Fixed an issue where in some circumstances an Operation would continue to have update called on it even after it finished.
  • Fixed an issue with Labels window after a domain reload causing a null reference exception.
  • Added Remove all unused labels option to labels popup window.
  • Fixed issue when not including the address and guid in catalog using content update workflow, would always indicate the asset as changed
  • Fixed Addressables profiler module help links to documentation.
  • Fixed issue where scenes unloaded due to another scene loading in single mode, would result in the profiler module still reporting the scene as loaded.
  • Groups window will now show labels of entries that are not a part of the settings.
  • Fixed 404s when uploading files with incorrect environment ID
  • Fixed issue where BuildLayoutGenerationTask would sometimes fail in large projects


17 Feb 09:08
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[1.21.3] - 2023-2-9

  • Optimised PostProcessBundles
  • Fixed issue where having a runtime profile variable or property to evaluate web urls on Windows platforms can result in malformed urls.
  • Fixed possible NullRefernceException when importing new assets and AddressableAssetUtility+SortedDelegate,Register was called.
  • Fixed an issue where EditorGUI.changed would not be properly set in certain circumstances when updating AssetReferences using the inspector
  • Fixed CCD build and release to properly upload static groups
  • Fixed CCD build and release to allow both static and managed groups in the same profile
  • Include additional object dependency information in build layout report
  • Addressables Profiler module compatible with Unity Editor 2022.2+
  • Addressables Build Report window added. Compatible with Unity Editor 2022.2+


17 Feb 22:07
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[1.21.8] - 2023-02-09

  • Optimised PostProcessBundles
  • Fixed issue where having a runtime profile variable or property to evaluate web urls on Windows platforms can result in malformed urls.
  • Fixed possible NullRefernceException when importing new assets and AddressableAssetUtility+SortedDelegate,Register was called.
  • Fixed an issue where EditorGUI.changed would not be properly set in certain circumstances when updating AssetReferences using the inspector
  • Fixed CCD build and release to properly upload static groups
  • Fixed CCD build and release to allow both static and managed groups in the same profile
  • Include additional object dependency information in build layout report
  • Addressables Profiler module compatible with Unity Editor 2022.2+
  • Addressables Build Report window added. Compatible with Unity Editor 2022.2+


21 Dec 17:07
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[1.21.2] - 2022-12-9

  • Fixed issue where folders in Groups window would display the subObjects of assets without expanding the assets.
  • Added the ability to copy a subAsset address to clipboard from right click.
  • Fixed bundle naming mode option names being unclear when selecting multiple groups.
  • Optimised string usage across package
  • Updated the way that the Build Layout calculates efficiency to base it off of the dependent file sizes instead of the dependent file count
  • Fixed issue where Addressables inspector would not show until Addressables settings have been initialised
  • Fixed issue where editor only assets would be marked as changed in the Check for Content Update restrictions window


25 Oct 03:07
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[1.21.1] - 2022-10-5

  • Fixed issue where CcdManagedData State was not being set correctly
  • Added IP ping timeout to the Hosting Services window.
  • Fixed issue where loading cached bundles using WaitForCompletion in 2021.2+ results in an error.
  • Fixed issue when loading urls with unconverted special url characters such as a space.
  • Fixed issue where folders in Groups window would display the subObjects of assets without expanding the assets.
  • Added public API to support more detailed Build Layout


12 Aug 09:09
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[1.20.5] - 2022-08-03

  • Fixed issue where object picker for the AssetReferenceDrawer would cut off longer asset names due to only being as wide as the property drawer.
  • Improved performance of gathering assets for an AssetReference.
  • Fixed issue where settings hash was not included in settings.json for runtime settings.
  • Fixed issue where CheckBundleDupeDependencies() would cause a null reference when no addressable assets are in a project.
  • Fixed issue where WebRequestQueue would throw a NullReferenceException when given an aborted web request as a parameter.
  • Fixed issue where renaming a label does not dirty and save settings and serialise to file.
  • Fixed an issue where an updating catalogs operation would return a 'Succeeded' status even if its load operation failed.
  • Fixed issue where hosting service roots would not change to correct platform when switching platforms in editor.
  • Fixed issue where ProfileDataSourceSettings was generating wrong LoadPath url for CCD integration
  • Fixed issue where ClearDependencyCacheAsync could try and clear a bundle that is actively loading.
  • Fixed issue where web request is not disposed when downloading a file using TextDataProvider
  • Fixed issue where DisableAssetImportOnBuild sample does not disable asset imports
  • Fixed issue where retrying a download after a CRC mismatch would not occur.