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Releases: needle-mirror/com.unity.addressables


15 Apr 20:05
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[1.16.19] - 2021-04-08

  • Fixed an issue where the group property of the AddressableAssetGroupSchema was not persisted, and could get lost when objects were reloaded

[1.16.18] - 2021-03-23

  • Fixed compile warning in Unity 2020.2+

[1.16.17] - 2021-02-25

  • Updated group rename logic to support engine AssetDatabase fix. Change should be transparent to users.


13 Apr 18:06
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[1.17.17] - 2021-04-06

  • Add AssetPostprocessor for AddressableSettings after AssetDatabase is Initialised, if not yet initialised on initial project launch.
  • Removed serialisation of m_MainAsset and m_TargetAsset from Group entries.
  • Fixed a warning "CacheInitialization.CacheInitOp.m_UpdateRequired'' is assigned but its value is never used" when building for platforms that don't have caching enabled
  • A message is printed on successful Addressable build
  • Properly save profile variables when switching profiles
  • Fixed bug where multi-selected Addressable Groups weren't all getting set dirty on an edit.
  • Fixed bug where Fast Mode wasn't respecting Log Runtime Exceptions setting
  • Implicit assets are now taken into account when using applying a label restriction on an asset reference


29 Mar 19:10
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[1.16.8] - 2020-11-4

  • Added internal naming option for the Bundled Asset Group Schema. Instead of using the full path, there are options to use the asset guid or the hashcode of the guid. These values are stable and wont change if the asset path changes, reducing the need to rebuild a bundle if paths change but contents do not. The internal ids stored in the content catalog will generally be shorter than asset paths - 32 bytes for the full guid, 8 bytes for the guid hash.
  • Added option to exclude sub catalog entries by file extension
  • Added options to exclude catalog entries for address, labels, and guids
  • Added option to optimize catalog size by extracting duplicated string in urls and file paths
  • Fixed issue where ResourceLocations were returning null for the ResourceType.
  • Added warning to build when an Addressable Group doesn't have any AddressableAssetGroupSchemas
  • Fixed issue where resource folder search was case sensitive for Mac and Linux
  • Fixed issue where warnings were getting logged incorrectly when marking an asset as Addressable using the checkbox in the inspector.
  • Add Yamato trigger for release testing & rework variables into metafile
  • Fixed issue where an AssetReference's cached asset is not reset when the underlying asset re-imports.
  • Fixed issue where we were still checking for CRC when a bundle was cached.
  • Fixed bug when using Play Mode Script "Use AssetDatabase (fastest)", and calling Addressables.LoadContentCatalogAsync would fail when it had not been cached.


29 Mar 19:10
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[1.17.15] - 2021-03-23

  • Fixed FileNotFoundException when using bundle naming mode "Filename" with Unity Cloud Build.
  • Fixed a bug where LoadAssetsAsync handle Completed callback is invoked before all individual Asset callbacks.
  • Added in Asset validator on Editor startup. This ensures that assets deleted when the editor was closed are removed from Addressables.
  • Fixed bug where the current amount of downloaded bytes was not properly updated


19 Mar 13:09
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[1.17.13] - 2021-03-10

  • Fixed issue when loading a Sprite from a SpriteAtlas from an Addressable folder in AssetDatabase mode.
  • Fixed bug in AssetReference "Make Addressable" functionality (when referencing an asset no longer addressable)
  • Fixed bug with cyclic references in profile variable causing an infinite loop.
  • Fixed bug where cached asset type could get stuck with DefaultType, an invalid Editor type
  • Fixed issue where AsyncOperationHandle.Completed is called after AsyncOperationHandle.Task returns when the handle is already done.
  • Fixed some faulty logic in GetDownloadStatus() when errors occur
  • Removed extra dependencies that were being flagged as modified when running Check For Content Update Restrictions.
  • Fixed a bug where the result of a Task could be inconsistent and return null given certain race conditions
  • Fixed bug where UnloadSceneAsync decreased ref count more than once, and added unload scene to Release if ref count goes to zero
  • Fixed issue where a popup appears when an AddressableAsset file is being modified even if the file is checked out locally.
  • Fixed bug where fast mode wasn't showing events in the profiler
  • Remove check for isUpdating and isCompiling so GetSettings(true) still tries to load the settings when compiling or updating
  • Fixed issue where modified local static bundle dependencies fail to load after updating a previous build. Fix is compatible with older shipped content.


25 Feb 20:08
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1.17.6-preview Pre-release

[1.17.6-preview] - 2021-02-23

  • Fixed issue where OnGlobalModification events would be EntryMoved when adding new Entries instead of EntryAdded.
  • Fixed issue where a previously built player fails to load content after running Content Update with missing local bundles
  • Fixed bug where ClearDependencyCacheAsync was throwing invalid handle exceptions if auto releasing the handle
  • Fixed a bug when SerializeReference entries in link.xml for addressable was causing Unity linker to fail.
  • Added results out parameter to AddressableAssetSettings.BuildPlayerContent.


11 Feb 22:27
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1.17.5-preview Pre-release

[1.17.5-preview] - 2021-02-08

  • Fixed performance issue when disabling "Addressable" for multiple Assets in the Inspector.
  • Added option to set the build path of addressables_content_state.bin file.
  • The buildlogtep.json file is not generated when building the catalog bundle.
  • Fixed invalid handle exception getting thrown when static AssetReferences were used with domain reload turned off
  • Fixed catalog using invalid load path for Groups built with "bundle naming mode" "Filename".
  • Added option to set custom prefix on the unitybuiltinshader AssetBundle
  • Added documentation explaining how dependencies affect Content Update
  • Sub-assets with arbitrary main type can now be assigned to an asset reference if types match


28 Jan 21:06
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1.17.4-preview Pre-release

[1.17.4-preview] - 2021-01-27

  • Removed unnecessary logging when deleting temporary Addressables build data.
  • Added WaitForCompletion() on AsyncOperationHandles. This allows async operation to be executed synchronously
  • Alphanumeric sorting in the group window can be enabled through a setting in the editor preferences
  • Change to set IgnoreFailures with LoadOptions.IgnoreFailures stored in the IResourceLocation.Data if not null
  • Fixed issue when loading legacy Resources from Addressables using the guid when playmode is set to AssetDatabase.
  • Fixed some compile warnings on 2020.2
  • Change to use full path for name of cached catalog.


27 Jan 01:06
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[1.16.16] - 2021-01-20

  • Updated dependency versions for testcase fix


15 Jan 21:05
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1.17.2-preview Pre-release

[1.17.2-preview] - 2021-01-14

  • Add silent fail option to providers to get rid of error when cache not found as expected
  • Hierarchy now fully displayed in search results when 'show groups as hierarchy' and 'hierarchical search' options are enabled
  • OnValidate is now called when an AssetReference changes
  • Fixed bugs in Use Asset Database play mode related to multiple folders with matching addresses
  • Made the following APIs public:
    • ResourceManager.CreateChainOperation
    • AddressablesAnalyzeResultData
    • AddressableAssetSettings.OptimizeCatalogSize
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.AssetNamingMode
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeAddressInCatalog
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeGUIDInCatalog
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeLabelsInCatalog
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.InternalIdNamingMode
    • BuildScriptBase.Log
    • ResourceManagerRuntimeData.AddressablesVersion
    • ProjectConfigData
      • ProjectConfigData.ShowSubObjectsInGroupView
      • ProjectConfigData.GenerateBuildLayout
      • ProjectConfigData.ActivePlayModeIndex
      • ProjectConfigData.PostProfilerEvents
      • ProjectConfigData.LocalLoadSpeed
      • ProjectConfigData.RemoteLoadSpeed
      • ProjectConfigData.HierarchicalSearch
      • ProjectConfigData.ShowGroupsAsHierarchy
    • BuildLayoutGenerationTask
    • BuildLayoutGenerationTask.BundleNameRemap
    • ExtractDataTask.BuildContext
    • ContentCatalogData.SetData(IList data, bool optimizeSize)
    • ContentCatalogData(string id) constructor
    • ContentUpdateContext
      • ContentUpdateContext.GuidToPreviousAssetStateMap
      • ContentUpdateContext.IdToCatalogDataEntryMap
      • ContentUpdateContext.BundleToInternalBundleIdMap
      • ContentUpdateContext.WriteData
      • ContentUpdateContext.ContentState
      • ContentUpdateContext.Registry
      • ContentUpdateContext.PreviousAssetStateCarryOver
    • RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState
      • RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState.Run
    • AddressableAssetEntry.GetAssetLoadPath(bool isBundled, HashSet otherLoadPaths)
    • AddressableAssetSettings.IgnoreUnsupportedFilesInBuild